V. 4 No. 8 - The Slater News





Tieoma Chapter No. 140, 0. E. S., held its annual publie installation service for new of. feers on Tuesday evening, April 9, in the Masonic Hall. Mrs. Alice Wyman, Worthy Grand Matron of S. C., was the installing Grand Officer. Other installing officers were Mrs. Jessie Christenberry as Grand Marshall, Mr. T. E. Christen-berry as Grand Chaplain, and Miss Marcella Austin as Grand Organist. The meeting was called to order by Miss Hattie Bell For-rest, Worthy Matron, and Mr. Melvin Jarrard, Worthy Pat-ron. The Invocation was pro-nouneed by the Rev. J. A. Hun-nieutt. The Weleome Address was delivered by Mrs. Ethel Greene, to which Mrs. Sloan Westmoreland responded. The Grand Officers were then introduced by the Worthy Matron. The Flag was presented by Mrs. Mae C. Bates, after which the Pledge of Allegiance was given by the entire assem-bly. The audience then sang "America." At this time the Chapter paused to pay tribute to the memory of one of the beloved members of the Chapter, Mrs. Fannie Powell Burns, who died in March, 1945. A beautiful basket of flowers was placed in the East in loving memory of the deceased member. Miss Caroline Martin rendered special musie. The officers elect were then installed. After the installation eeremony, the Past Matrons' Jewel was presented to Mrs. Marjorie Chumley. by Mr. R. F. Mitchell, Past Grand Patron of S. C. As a closing song, the assembly sang "God Be With. You "Till We Meet Again." The elosing prayer was delivered by the Rev. Charles T. Thomp-son, and afterwards a social hour was enjoyed. The following officers were installed: Miss Lillian Burns, Worthy Matron; Mr. Melvin Jarrard, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Louise Lindsey, Associate Mat-ron; Mr. Wiil Dunean, Asso-eiate Patron; Mrs. Julia Brown, Secretary; Mrs. Marjorie Chumley, Treasurer; Mrs. Clara Jarrard, Conductress; Miss Frances Dunean, Associate Conduetress: Miss Nathalee Forrest, Chaplain; Mrs. Mac Bates, Marshall; Mrs. Ethel Greene, Organist; Miss Hattie Bell Forrest, Adah; Mrs. Eula Brannon, Ruth; Miss Frances Cheatham, Esther; Mrs. Lessie Bowers, Martha; Mrs. Dora Lynch, Electa; Mrs. Hattie Dunean, Warder; and Mr. F. J. Brannon, Sentinel.

Last edit 9 months ago by kikiyadav
Needs Review


Page Two


April 25, 1946

[Column 1]

The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufactoring Co., Inc. Established 1790 In The Interst of Its Employees


Robert H. Atkinson - Editor Cecil S. Ross - Asst. Editor


Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C. Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Louise Bagwell, Margaret Johnson, and Mrs. Perrry Rampey.

Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown, Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace, Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins, Irene Cox.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith

Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson.



"The War Department feels that every effort should be expended towards relief of suffering and starvation, not only for the sake of humanity, but also to enable us to decrease our Army of Occupation responsible for peace and order. If fodo riots and disturbances occur in the occupied terirtories we may have to call for additional troops," declared Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson in a statement accepting the Honorary Chairmanship of the Famine Emergency Commission.

In order to carry out the plan of supporting President Truman's nation-wide conservation program, the War Department announce the following actions have been taken:

1. Directives have been dispatched to impress all Army personnel with the gravity of the situation and enjoining the strictest economy and elimination of waste.

2. The European, Mediterranean and Pacific Theaters have been directed to conserve to the fullest indigenous resources and stockpiles.

3. A total of 1,216,568 cubic feet of freeze space and 902,120 cubic feet of chill space in refrigerator ships has been released by the Army during the months of January and February. In additoin, 1,115,400 cubic feet of freeze and 179,858 cubic feet of chill will be released next month.

4. To conserve critical wheat supplies, experiments are being made to determine the practicability of using 80 per cent extraction flour by the Army instead of the present commercial standard 68-72 per cent flour.

5. Efforts are being made to adjust the nutritional value of the Army ration to save maxi[con't in Column 2]

[Column 2]


In a few short weeks, another graduating class from our local school will don their caps and gowns and march sedately down the aisle.

They will sit just so upon the stage and gaze out over the audience of parents, relatives and friends as they listen to the advice, admonitions and warnings of some gifted speaker.

They will murmur a polite "thank you" as they receive their hard-earned diplomas.

They will accept hand shakes and congratulations from their classmates and acquaintances.

Some of them will go out to face life armed only with their high school diploma and a heart full of confidence.

Others of them will go to college to sit for four years more at the feet of learning. Here they will realize that all of their previous knowledge was mere foundation work and they are only now beginning to unlock education's door.

But Seniors - whether your classroom days end with this commencement or whether there are yet more years of classroom work for you - may your lives be full and rich and may happiness and success be your lot.

And may you never cease to seek after knowledge, for life itself is one vast school of experience, and the world is a classroom whose doors are never closed.


[con't from Column 1]

mum food without adversely affecting the health and morale of the troops.

6. Emphasis is being places on the conversation of sugar. The elimination of sugar in the prepartion of stewed prunes has saved 56,000 pounds per months inthe United States alone.

7. Effective on February master menu the issue of bread was reduced from 15 pounds to 12 pounds per 100 men per meal, a reduction of 720,000 pounds monthly.

8. Stocks of subsistence at all prisoner of war camps have been ordered reduced to a minimum.

"Tighten-the-Belt Gardens" will be springing up in Army camps all over the world where soil conditions are favorable as a result of a directive issued to all commanders by the Army, which states:

"The War Departement recognizes the need and value of truck gardens at posts, camps and stations at this time when world-wide food conservation is required, and desires to cooperate to the fullest extent with the President's food conservation program. In addition to voluntary off-time recreation activity, Commanding Officers will utilize prison labor for gardening as a primary mission of rehabilitation.

"Equipment and tools or additional farm implements will be requistioned at those posts, camps and stations where the soil is suitable for gardening purposes and plots are of such size to provide for the growing of vegetables common to military requirements, such as potatoes, corn, green beans, tomatoes, beets, carrots and cucum [con't in Column 3]

[Column 3]


Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hester and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Waddell and family, of Cherokee Falls, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Troy Galloway and family visited Mr. Galloway's father, Mr. E. P. Galloway, of Brevard, N.C., recently.

Mr. and Mrs. George Garland had their weekend guest their nephew, Bud Garland, of Cleveland.

Mr. and Mrs. John Reaves and son attended a birthday dinner Sunday given in honor of Mrs. Reaves' grandmother, Mrs. Rachel Duncan, of Brandon.

We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Estelle Dixon has been out sick several days. She has been greatly missed, and we hope she will soon be back with us.

Pvt. Thurman Pace, a former employee of the Cloth Room, is now stationed at Camp Robinson, Ark.


TRAINING COURSES (Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

Since facilities for On-theJob training are limited, all who apply may not be admitted on the first enrollment, and persons not admitted the first time may find it necessary to wait for an enrollment in a second or third class.

For the informaton of those veterans who plan to enroll in On-the-Job training, the following quotation from the Service Men's Readjustment Act will be of interest:

"Section 1505 of the act contemplates that there will be deducted from any benefit in the nature of adjusted compensation (bonus) hereafter authorized by Congress any payments made to you or for you in connection with a course of education or training or a refresher or a retraining course received by you under Public Law 346."


LOCAL TEACHERS (Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

place in any suburb.

Act I. Was he a Burglar? Late afernoon in June.

Act II. A Human Butterfly. Nearly night.

Act III. Thieves and Bridegrooms. That night (as they say in the movies).


GIRL SCOUTS (Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

lunch was enjoyed. Pictures were made for scrapbooks, and afterwards games were played.

Those taking part in this hike were: Patricia Summey, Marion Brown, Mary Dodson, with Misses Loftis and Ferree as leaders.


[con't from Column 2]


"Food so produced will be for the consumption of military personnel only, and not for sale to civilians. Commanding Officers will consult the local county agricultural agent for information relative to the types of crops, time of planting and other information to aid in the cultivation of crops.

"Crops realized from this source will result in a corresponding decrease in quantities of foodstuffs procured through requisitions."

[Column 4]


[spans columns 4 and 5]

Mrs. Harris Drury has returned to Belmont, N.C. after spending a week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Drury.

Mrs. Curtis Sims and son, Randy, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mrs. Sims is from Laurens, S.C.

Mr. Gene Blanton and O. R. Drury motored to Belmont last Sunday. They came back by Spindale and Chimney Rock, visiting friends.

Mrs. Mattie Lou Gilstrap and Mrs. Norma Bowles attended the Piedmont Regional P. T. A. Convention at the First Baptist Church in Pickens last Saturday.

Mrs. Norma Bowles was happy to have her daughter, Lorraine, home from college for the spring holidays.

Alvin T. Burgess is now home on a seven day furlough from the Navy. He is to report back (Con't. on page 2, col. 5) -


The more civilization has progressed, the more demand there has been for salt, and today over 4,000,000 tons of evaporated salt are required annually for the home and for a vast number of farm and industrial uses. Just in the curing of hides and skins for leather, 300,000 tons of salt are used yearly. In discovering rayon, a blow was struck at the Japanese silk industry. Rayon is manufactured by means of caustic soda, which is obtained from salt.

According to Dr. Morris Fishbein, Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association and Hygeia: "Sodium Chloride or common salt probably ranks first among all the salts in the human body, both in quantity and in its value in the body's nutrition."

Nutritionists estimate that adults require about one-half ounce of salt per day, or 12 pounds per year, to enable the various glands to hold the amount of water they need for proper functioning. Salt is also the source of an important component of gastric juice, both in the human and animal body. Upon receiving salt, the stomach changes its chloride component into hydro-chloric acid in order to digest food. The body divides the salt into its chemical consitutents with the greatest of ease, but it takes elaborate equipment to do the same thing industrially.

Electricity is the key to the decomposition of the salt crystal. When a strong current is passed through molten salt, the hot mass is separated into a silvery white metal, sodium, and the greenish yellow gas, chlorine.

Both elements are widely used by industry. Sodium has been employed for many years in the manufacture of dyes, insecticides, and photographic materials, and more recently in making the tetraethyl lead used in aviation gasoline. Operation of airplanes at the terrific speeds necessary in this war is also facilitated by the (Con't. on page 2, col. 5)

[Column 5]

to Norfolk, Va.

Gertrude Lyda visited Mr. and Mrs. Oda and Nellie Breedlove of Pickens recently.

T/Sgt. and Mrs. C. A. Brown, from Fort McClellan, Ala., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Drury.

We are glad to hear that John W. Freeman's big boy is doing just fine. He is now five weeks old.

Second shift employees wish for Mr. Harry Tinsley's wife a very speedy recovery. She has been ill for sometime now.

John Laws is opening a filling station near his new home. We hope John the best of luck.

Mrs. Smith, from Ontario, Canada, visited Mrs. Norma Bowles recently.

Wallace Sutton, O. R. Drury, and Gene Blanton spent last Saturday trout fishing, or we should say climbing mountains. From what we hear, they had rather sit on a bank and dish.


use of sodium in the valve systems. By this means, heat from the engine is conducted rapidly to the radiating system and danger of overheating is minimized. (Con't. on page 3, col. 1)


Last edit 7 months ago by cdusek
Needs Review


April 23, 1946


Page Three



Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dudley spent the past weekend with Mrs. Dudley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cobb, of Rutherfordton, N.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster Aiken, of Greenville, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Ward.

Mrs. Nellie Suttles had as her weekend guest her sister, Dorothy, and mother, Mrs. Joie Gosnell, of Greenville.

Third shift workers on Job No. 3 regret losing their overseer, Mr. W. W. Stephenson, who was recently promoted to the second shift, but welcome Mr. Francis Gunter in his place. We wish both of them much success on their new jobs.

Rev. Buster Martin, formerly of Slater, will assist Rev. L. B. Vaughn in a revival meeting at Boyloston Baptist Church in N. C.

We welcome two of our old employees back to work who recently received discharges from the Navy and Army. They are Bill Hall and Tim Ford.

Mr. and Mrs. Mays Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster, and Mrs. Clyde Bridwell, of Travelers Rest, recently enjoyed a Sunday afternoon trip to the (con't. on p3, col. 2)

- SALT NECESSARY (con't. from page 2, col. 5)

The wearing parts of tanks, trucks and planes could not take the terrific punishment to which they are subjected if the pinions and gear sufaces had not been "Case hardened" in a bath containing molten sodium cyanide, another member of the salt family.

Shortages of copper and brass for shell cases have led to the use of steel, plated with copper or zinc to insure a smooth non-rusting surface. Sodium cyanide and cyanides of copper and zinc - all members of the salt family - are required to plate these shells.

Likewise from salt comes sodium peroxide, with which millions of yards of cotton fabrics for the armed forces are bleached.

Chlorine, the other element derived from salt, is equally versatile. Added to drinking water in small quantities, it has saved thousands of lives by destroying bacteria.

From hydrochloric acid, another salt derivative, and acetylene gas comes neoprene synthetic rubber, referred to by the Barueh Committee as the "one synthetic material of a quality to be the full equivalent of natural rubber for combat and heavy duty tires." Neoprene is also used to coat fabrics for blimps. Other saltderived products, the chlorinated hydrocarbons, are required in enormous quantities to clean the metal parts going into tanks, trucks, ships, planes and guns. And one of these compounds is used in making smoke screens to conceal the movements of United States forces. Other chlorine compounds include fire-extinguisher fluids, refrigerants, and anesthetics.

In the home, salt solutions have long been used as a (con't. on p3, col. 2)

[Column 2]

(con't. from col. 1) mountains.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Knight, McClure Smith, and Clifford Cox, of Greenville, were recent Sunday guests of Nellie Barnette and Priscilla Bruce.

Among the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse were Mr. Ramey and Johnny Ramey, of Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson and family, of Greenville.

Mr. Kenneth Phillips, who has recently been discharged from the Army, was a recent visitor in the plant.

We are glad to welcome Ralph Sullivan, Walter Stroud, and Walter Looper as new employees in Weave Room No. 2.

Third shift workers miss Mrs. Gladys Garrett, who has been transferred to the second shift, but they welcome Mrs. Ida Pace on her job.

Mrs. Ruby Stone is all smiles since her brother, Mr. Leo Coke, has returned from overseas.

Mrs. R. A. Smith, Mrs. Floyd Smith, and Mrs. E. J. Stone honored their brother, Mr. Leo Coke, with a family reunion at the home of Mrs. R. A. Smith in Greenville recently.


(con't. from col. 1) gargle, and salt is an important constituent of some dentrifices. Chemicals from salt are now needed to make the new "sulfa" drugs, vitamins, and other pharmaceuticals.

The list of products made from salt is exceedingly large, and the research chemist is still finding more.


DEPARTMENT URGES (con't. from page 1, col. 5)

Portulaca - April-Aug.-Aug. Nov.

Snapdragon - Sept-May - Jan.-July

Zinnia - Mar.-Aug. - JuneNov.



One good work mule; no tricks. Also one two - horse wagon in good condition except bed.

One brood sow, 15 months old. Fat and ready for sale.

J.H. Patterson, Rout No. 2 Travelers Rest, S. C.



Verbena plants at 10c per bunch. Mrs. E. W. Turner, No. 41 Third Street.


"Give a woman an inch and she gets the idea she is a ruler." - Chicago Tribune.


"He is a genius," is a phrase you often read and hear. It means a man who plugs along with nerve to perservere. You may be awkward at the stunt, and act just like a clown, but if you want to win life's race, "Get up when you fall down." - Speakers Library.


"People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges." - Jos Fort Newton.

[Column 3]


April 26, 1946 "THE DOLLY SISTERS" Starring: Betty Grable John Payne

April 27, 1946 "RHAPSODY IN BLUE" Starring: Joan Leslie Robert Alda

April 29, 1946 "AND THEN THERE WERE NONE" Starring: Barry Fitzerald Walter Houston

May 3, 1946 "WHAT NEXT? CORPORAL HARGROVE" Starring: Robert Walker Joan Porter

May 4, 1946 "LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN" Starring: Gene Tierney Cornel Wilde

May 6, 1946 "WEEKEND AT THE WALDORF" Starring: Ginger Rogers Lana Turner Van Johnson



Ebenezer Lodge, No. 101, A. F. M., Slater, S. C., will hold its regular communication at the Lodge Hall here at Slater on March 6, 1946 at 8:00 P. M. All Masons and members of the Lodge are requested to be present and all visiting Masons will likewise be welcomed.

Robert H. Atkinson Secretary, Ebenezer Lodge


"Of the sounds the human ear cannot hear, it is a sad fact that none are made by the human tongue." - Banking.

[advetisment spanning the bottom of columns 3,4,5; The Community Theatre SLATER S. C. Good Entertainment For The Entire Family

Shows presented are carefully selected and only the best in entertainment are shown.

REMEMBER YOUR SHOW DATES Mondays - Fridays - Saturdays

TWO SHOWS EACH SHOW NIGHT First Show 6:30 P. M. Second Show After First Show

POPULAR PRICES Adults $0.25 - Children $0.12


We are happy to report that a number of new members have recently affiliated themselves with the library.

In mentioning these, we begin the list with the names of Mesdames Richard MacKenzie and R. W. Couch, Jr. The husbands of these ladies are employed in the Slater plant, and both couples are residing in the Guest House. We not only welcome these new members to the Library, but, also to the community and its activities.

Two of our new members have also enrolled in the library club work. Thomas Hall, son of Mr. C. M. Hall, has joined the Boy's Club, where we wish for him a great deal of success as he participates in the club activities.

Frances Ellis recently joined the Girls' Club. Frances is the daughter of Mr. Cleo Ellis, and we welcome her to the Girls' Library Club.

Our new members include two Marietta boys - Cleveland Radford and "Buster" Wylie. Cleveland is the son of G. E. Radford, while "Buster" is the son of Mr. J. A. Wylie.

The children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terrell of Travelers Rest, are among our new members. Both Mr. and Mrs. Terrell are employed in the plant here. To Debree, James and Fred Terrell, Jr., we extend a hearty welcome.

We had one promotion last week. Imogene Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Parker, was promoted from Story Hour to Girls' Club.

You should have seen little Jim Horton when he visited the library with his mother last week. He was so anxious to have a book "all his own," so we found just the thing for him (con't. on p. 3, col. 5)

[Column 5]


Miss Della Camden, of Marietta, recently donated to the Slater Library three books which will be of interest to the Boy Scouts. All of these books are written by Edward Griggs, and the title are "A Boy Scout's Chance," "A Boy Scout's Adventure," and "A Boy Scout's Struggle." These books will be on the shelves soon, and it is hoped that the Scouts will read them at their earliest convenience. We appreciate these books, and thank Miss Camden for her thoughtfulness in giving them to the library.

Bobby Sprouse, member of the Boys' Library Club, has also donated some books which tell of the adventures and experiences of Boy Scouts. These books are entitled "The Scout Patrol Boys in the Frozen South," and "The Scout Patrol Boys Exploring the Yucatan."

Bobby, who is a member of the local Boy Scout Troop, has enjoyed these books and is anxious to share them with his friends. We thank him for the books, and appreciate the fine spirit he has shown in donating them.


(con't. from col. 4)

-one with cardboard pages, made especially for little hands unaccustomed to handling books. Jim was so happy, and it made us glad that we had a book appropriate for a tot as young as he is. Jim's father is the Slater druggist.

A number of new books have been bought for the children who use the Library. These books were selected primarily for the Story Hour groups, Boys' Club and Girls' Club.


"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting for centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing." - Dr. J. A. Holmes

Last edit 7 months ago by cdusek


Page four THE SLATER NEWS April 25, 1946


For several weeks, the Slater News has been running a list of the returning veterans and will continue to do this until all veterans returned have been officially recognized. In this issue, we would like to especially welcome back the following veterans:

ROBERT E. STEVENS Stevens first became connected with the Slater Company on January 3, 1942 as a Truck Driver and continued in this capacity until May, 1944 when called into service. He was inducted into the Navy on June 1, 1944 and served one year in the states after which he was sent to sea, serving four months in the Atlantic, and, also, in the Carribean where he saw active combat service. On October 6, 1945, he received his honorable Discharge and returned to his work here on December 17th of that year.

RAY B. SMITH Ex.-Sgt. Smith was employed here as a Cloth Packer in the Cloth Room before entering the Army. He was in training in the States for one year before going overseas. He was then sent to the European Theater of Operations where he was a member of the Signal Corps, serving with the 566th Signal Battalion. He was on active duty in five campaigns but escaped without wounds or injury. He returned to work here in December, 1945 after having received his Honorable Discharge on December 7th of that year.

ROBERT N. RANDOLPH Robert had been employed at Slater for quite some time, having been employed in 1939 as a Weaver in which capacity he served until called to the Army on September 25, 1941. He was inducted at Charleston, S. C. and spent one month in the States and was then sent overseas where he served 33 months. After serving 33 months overseas, he returned to the States where he spent nine months and again was sent overseas where he spent six months. He was in two major campaigns, serving in the rhineland and Central Europe. He received his Honorable Discharge on September 27, 1945 and returned to work here with us on December 27, 1945.

AUBREY M. LEDFORD Aubrey Ledford is an oldtime Slaterite, having begun work here in 1935. When he joined the Navy in October 10, 1942, he was employed here as a Loom Fixer. 29 months of his service were spent in the States and then he was sent overseas to serve 24 months which included service in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Pacific and Asiatic Theaters. At the time of his discharge, Ledford was a S-1/C. He received his Honorable Discharge in October, 1945, and returned to work here Dedember 28th of that year.

CHARLES L. LANE The Lane family has lvied at Slater for some number of years and during that time, most of the Lanes have or still work at Slater. Charles becames


SGT. BRADBERRY RECOVERING NICELY The many friends of Sgt. Robert Lee Bradberry will regret to learn he is in the hospital he recently had a nerve operation, but is doing very nicely at present.

He would enjoy hearing from all his Slater friends, and letters can be sent to the following address: U. S. Naval Hospital, Ward E-6, Bethesda, 14, Md.

old enough to work in 1942 and went to work on June 15th. When called into service in May, 1945, he was employed as a Weaver in Weave Room No. 2. Because of a dependent mother and two brothers, he was given an Honorable Discharge from service on December 6, 1945 and returned to his work here at the Slater Plant on December 29th of that year.

WILLIAM RAY BURNETT Burnett was employed at Slater as a Cloth Doffer. He was called into service with the army in April, 1944. He received six months of training in the States and for the next 14 months, he was overseas, being stationed in the European Theater of Operations. He saw active combat duty in Italy. On December 15, 1945, he received his Honorable Discharge and returned to his employment here that same month.

PAUL E. CLINE Cline came to work as a Cloth Doffer with the Slater Company in 1942, but before entering the Army in April, 1944, he had been promoted to Weaver. The first nine months of his service were spent in the States where he received his training after which he was sent to the European Theater of Operations where he served almost one year. He participated in three major campaigns. After receiving his Honorable Discharge on December 10, 1945, he returned to his job here in December 28th.

HENRY F. SMITH When he recieved his call to the colors in November, 1942, Ex-Pfc. Smith was employed here as a Cloth Doffer in Weave Room No. 1. He was in service for 36 months, of which 17 months were spent overseas in the European Theater of Operations. While there, he saw active combat duty in four major compaigns. Soon after receiving his Honorable Discharge on December 9, 1945, he returned to his work here at Slater.

ROBERT LEE WHITTED Whitted was employed here at Slater as a Weaver when called to service in March, 1942. He spent nine months in training in the States before going overseas. He then spent almost two years in the South Pacific, taking part in seven major campaigns. On December 31, 1945, he returned to work here as a Weaver after having received his Honorable Discharge on December 17th of that year. EUGENE B. WALLS Walls entered the Army in November, 1942 and prior to that time, he was employed as Filling Checker in the Prepa-


[TOP OF COLUMN 3 AND 4] [PHOTO OF BASEBALL PLAYER STANDING] Bliss J. McCall pitched good ball in the opening game of the season here last Saturday. He is a pitcher of great ability and has several years experience behind him. Slaterites are counting on him heavily this year to keep their team in the running for the championship of the Piedmont Textile Baseball League.

[Beginning of column 3] ration Department of this Plant. About 14 months of his service were spent in the States after which he spent 22 months overseas in the European Theater of Operations where he was in five major campaigns. At the time of his discharge, he was a Pfc. Walls received his Honorable Discharge on December 17, 1945 and returned to his work here about the first of January, 1946. EDWARD PAUL FOSTER Foster had been at Slater a number of years prior to entering service, having first become connected with the Slater Company in 1938. He was employed as a Slasher Tender in the Preparation Department. In February, 1944, he was inducted into the Navy. On December 17,1945, he received a Medical Discharge and soon thereafter returned to his job here at Slater. At the time of his discharge, he was a S-1/C. --------------------------------- "The true measure of the greatness of a man is the length of his shadow as he recedes into the past." ---American Lutheran.

[COLUMN 4] Ball Club Looks Good Despite Loss

Manager E. P. Cashion unveiled his 1946 edition of the Slater Baseball Team in a game with Union Bleachery played at Slater Ball Park on Saturday, April 20. The Slaterites lost a close decision to the Bleachery Nine; however, the game was very close, and the Slater team served notice on other members of the league that they have an up and coming club and will be heard from before the season is over. Failing to hit and errors cost the Slater team the game on Saturday, but witht the advent of warm weather, these faults should shortly be overcome. The three runs scored by Union Bleachery in this game should have been one to nothing, in favor of Slater, in so far as earned runs are concerned. With Bliss J. McCall as pitcher, Slater probably had


one of the best hurlers in the league. He fanned 11 of the Bleacherites and allowed only six hits, in pitching a very creditable ball game. Also playing good ball were Bill Cashion, in the role of catcher, Taylor at first, and Dee Wilson in center field. Perhaps the most outstanding fielding feature of the game was a catch by Wilson in deep center field, which robbed one of the Bleacherites of a possible home run. The box score and summary is given below: Union Bleachery AB R H E Heaton, 1f_______4 1 1 0 Turner, cf________4 0 1 0 Bishop, 2b_______4 1 2 0 C. Brooks, 3b_____2 1 0 0 Bell, 1b__________4 1 2 0 C. Brooks, c______2 0 0 0 Aycock, rf________4 0 0 0 Belcher, ss_______4 0 2 0 Neely, p _________2 0 0 0 R. Brooks, p______2 0 0 0 _________ Total 32 3 6 0 Slater AB R H E Dudley, 3b_______4 1 1 0 Puckett, ss_______4 0 1 1 Taylor, 1b________4 0 1 0 Ellenburg, rf_____4 0 1 0 Cashion, c _______4 0 1 1 Drury, 2b_________3 0 1 0 Wilson, cf________4 0 1 1 Toby, lf___________2 0 0 0 Hall, lf___________1 0 0 0 McCall,p_________3 0 0 1 _____________ Total____________33 1 7 4 Summary : Two-Base hits-- Heaton ; runs batted in--Bishop, Puckett ; strike outs-- McCall 11, Neely 6, R. Brooks 5; base on balls -- McCall 2, Neely 1; double plays -- Puckett and Taylor; McCall, Drury and Taylor; Drury and Taylor; stolen bases-- Aycock, Dudly, and Puckett; left on bases00 Union Bleachery 6, Slater 6, Umpire---Fred McAbee. Union Bleachery 100 000 110-3 Slater __________000 001 000-1 In the next scheduled game, which comes on April 27, Slater meets the team from Camperdown Mill of Greenville. This game will probably be played at Slater as the Camperdown outfit does not have a home park at the present time. However, announcements will be made later concerning the place of the game. _____________________ LODGE TO CONFER DEGREE On April 27,1946 at 8:00 P. M., Ebenezer Lodge, No. 101, A. F. M., will hold a special communication at which time the Master Degree will be conferred on a class of candidates. All visiting Masons will be welcomed and all members are urged to be present. M. L. Jarrard is Worshipful Master and Robert H. Atkinson is Secretary. __________________________ "A minor operation is one that waws performed on the other fellow." ---- Russell Pettis Askue. "There is just as much horse sense as ever, but some days we think the horses have it all!"--- Pittsburg Press. "The right temperature at home is maintained by warm hearts, not by hot heads."--- Arcadia (Wis.) News-Leader.

Last edit 5 months ago by AlexisPowell
Displaying all 4 pages