Cornerstone Invitations

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Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 157

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Beauford So. Ca. Sept 30th, 1860

Dear Sir

I am sorry your letter as Chairman of the Ex. Committee reached me some days later than was necessary to enable me to do myself the pleasure of complying with the Invitation of the Executive Committee.

The condition, indeed, of my health, which I have suffered for nearly two years, would render my compliance with your polite invitation impossible.

I am, D Sir

Very [truly?]

Tho - Fuller

Last edit almost 4 years ago by George

Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 170

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Canton, Miss. Sep 17th 1860-

The Rt. Rev. Jas. H. Otey, D.D.

My Dear Bishop

Permit me to return my sincere acknowledements for your kind invitation to be present at the laying of the Corner Stone of the principal building of the University of the South. But my duties are such, that I shall be obliged to deny myself the great pleasure that such an interesting occasion will afford.

My heart will be with you, and my prayers will ascend for the blessing of the Almighty to rest upon the noble enterprise in which you are engaged.

Believe me, dear Bishop, to be Your humble Servant

H. [Sanson?]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by swmdal

Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 174

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Newburyport 6 Oct 1860

Dear Sir,

I have your letter of the 14th inst inviting me to attend the laying of the Corner Stone of the University of the South. I thank you sincerely for the invitation and wish it were in my power to accept it, and be present on so interesting an occasion. But other duties render this impossible. Invoking all prosperity for the new institution

I am

Very respectfully


Jas H Otey

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Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 185

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Revd J.H. Otey

Dear Sir

I regret that it will not be in my power to attend the interestiong exercises to which you have invited me, but hope that every thing will prove [?], and that the great objects of the enterprise will be fully realized in the future--

I remain very respectfully [?] Charleston Oct 1/60

Last edit almost 4 years ago by swmdal

Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 187

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Raleigh, Sept. 29th

Dear Sir,

With many thanks for the invitation to be present at the laying of the Corner Stone of the University of the South" I regret to say that it will not be in my power to attend at that time.

With every wish for the sucess of this noble work,

I am, Revd & Dear Sir, yours

D.W. [?]

Bishop Otey.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by swmdal
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Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 194

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New York Sept 28, 1860

Dear Sir

I am very thankful for your kind invitation to be present at the ceremonies of the 10th of next month. I regret I cannot accept the hospitality you tender.

The intended & liberal plan which has been adopted for your proposed university will make it a noble monument to its founders. The successful institution of such seats of learning as the scheme of the University of the South contemplates, is among the highest forms of service we can do and [?][?] section. God grant to it the blessing under which it may be useful.

With great esteem I am yr Respectful Servt D.L. Yulee

Bishop Jas H Otey Chairman

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Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 195

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Rolliston Near Norfolk Va Oct 7th 1860

Dear Sir.

Yours of Sept 5th, addressed to me at Richmond, did'nt {sic} reach me until last night.

It will not be in my power to be present in Franklin Tenn, on the 10th inst., but I thank you for your kind invitation & wish the University of the South the most eminent success.

Yrs truly [?] Wise

Bishop J. H. Otey

Last edit almost 4 years ago by swmdal

Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 218

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[?] Oct. 3, 1860

Right Reverend and Dear Sir

I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your invitation that you have done me the honor to extend to me to be present at the laying of the Corner Stone of the principal Building of the University of the South on the 10th inst.

Permit me to express to you my deep regret, that I cannot attend, my engagements will prevent me

I beg however to offer you my best wishes for the prosperity of this Grand and Sublime undertaking, and hoping that I may have the pleasure of meeting you again

[?] My Dear Sir with sentiment of the highest regard & esteem

Alex Robertson

To The Right Revd. JH Otey DD

Last edit almost 4 years ago by swmdal

Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document Cornerstone Invitation 234

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Edgefield C.H. Oct 7th 1860

Dear Sir:

The polite invitation of the Executive Committee to myself to be present at the laying of the Corner Stone of the principal building of the University of the South was received a day or two since at my place of residence (Augusta) and forwarded to me at this place-

I regret that a [?] of professional business will keep me in attendance upon the Court of this district until after the tenth inst.

Tendering, through you, my thanks to the Committee for their kind invitation, I am, Dear Sir,

Very Respectfully Yrs. W. W. Montgomery

Rt. Rev. J.H. Otey University Place Franklin Co. Tenn-

Last edit almost 4 years ago by swmdal
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