


Status: Complete

Tape 16-1, page 10

he takes and throws it up and that slid right down
back to him. And when he dropped it again, it went off in his arm and when
he went to throw itand shot his arm off. Oh, he's still livin', up in Freeland.
And he's talkin' to me about, not too long, a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, he'
shot his arm off! Mud-cappin'. Hammers. [???????????]

AV: What's mud-capping?

JS: When you have a big chunk, you know, that's big like, oh like half of this room.
And dig a little hole on it and put dynamite in, and shoot it without drillin' the
holes. that busted it up.

AV: What's flammin?

JS: What?

AV: Flammin'.

JS: Flammin'---when you put the big sticks up and push the damn dynamite up against, -
see, some places it's all ready to come, but it won't come. And if you don't do
somethin' with it, it's gonna stay there. God knows how long, maybe it'll stay
there a week or two weeks before it gets more weight and starts to peel out and
start to come. You have to get it goin'. Move it.

AV: What's the proper way to do it?

JS: The what?

AV: The proper way. What's the right way to do it?

JS: Well, you can put a flammer up, because you don't want to go under it too close
you know if would happen to get a start, that you could get away. Oh, sometimes
when it comes, a lot of coal comes. Ninety cars sometimes. I got a place up
there in the rock hole, and I opened up and I looked from the timber--see, we
had a timber and then planked off, I chopped two planks off and I looked up in
there and there it was, stuck, you know, the coal. And I take and I put two of
these mud caps in you know. Oh, there was a big lump of coal and there was
one pretty big rock there. So I put it in on the rock and on the coal. When
that shot, we got four hundred ninety cars of coal!

AV: Wow!

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