


Status: Complete

Tape 16-1, Page 31

on a barrel, you know, and have speeches. This here Mitchell and Mother Jones
they used to call her. She could talk, too, don't think she couldn't. A good
fighter she was.

AV: Oh really! Who was she?

JS: I don't know where she was from or what. But she was good.

AV: What did she do?

JS: Well, they used to tell the men how to organize and how to stay together and
what to do and don't let nobody come and fool you's, you know.

AV: Oh yeah?

JS: Get you's on the wrong side. He says then you's 'll

And I don't think that would be true, too if they would have listened to
the government. If they would listen to the government that time. Our
pension would be good. Why you know I betcha today our pension woud be that
good that you could live on it, without lookin' for anything else, if they
would have run it right. But nobody watched them or anything. Now you mean
to tell me, or anybody else, the company runnin' a mine, nobody lookin' in it
or anything, that they're gonna give the right tonnage that they run through.
All right, they'll say that that complany is runnin' through maybe fifty thousand
tons a day. twenty
thousand, what the hell, nobody is lookin' after them. Well, that would be
that many dollars less, would be seventy-five cents, that would be less they
are gettin', because nobody checkin' on them. I told them one time,
I says, no listen, if you want to have the right amount of money comin' in
on your assessent, I says, the only way, I says, you can do, I says, is select
a man and put him under heavy bond, and let him watch that colliery, how
many tons is goin' out every day. Oh, that will cost too much money! It
won't cost you a penny, it's gonna make money for you, because the
company, they ain't givin' you the right amount of tonnage goin' out

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