


Status: Complete

Tape 16-1, Page 35

place down here by along that river there somewhere. And he
wanted to make a big factory there. And the coal operators and our union
officials buyed him out.

AV: Oh?

JS: Yeah, they buyed him out. Yeah, they told him, because he wanted to buy

AV: He did?

JS: For the coal, and Drifton, and I don't know what other place. I think he
wanted about three collieries, he wanted to buy. Well then, the union
wouldn't have nothin' to do with it, because Henry Ford was the owner. So
they Henry Ford and they told him, they say, he says,
what are you gonna pay the miners when you are gonna take over? He says
that's my business. He says there isn't a man starved yet, workin' under
Henry Ford, he say, and they won't. He said I know what the men are worth
and I know what kind of work they're doin'. and I know what to pay them.
He said I won't interfere with your coal business, he siad.
That'll be my coal for my factories. He says I won't be going to market
with my coal, he says. I want that for my factories. They wouldn't do it.
They buyed him out somehow. they went to the Coxdes and told the Coxes,
Oh they give it to him, you'll lose everything and all, and you know just
monkeying around so that Ford called it off. He said if you don't give me
the coal mines I won't build it. See, because
he'd have the , he'd have the coal here and everything. And
the people around here would have it nice, workin' for him. But that's
where they fooled. There was a lot of things the men were cheated to the
miners around here. Cheated out of a lot of things. and who the hell was
doin' it? Your own goddam big officials! The unnion men with their
operators. Well, actualy, the coal operators, you know, they're lookin'
for themselves to make the goddam coal. Where the union officials, where

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