


Status: Complete

Tape 16-1, page 36

they should look for the men, but they did like hell, they looked for theirselves
and their company. They were always in snooks with the company!

AV: In snooks, right?

JS: Sure! They used to and to hell with the men.

AV: My goodness. Why do you think they were so selfish?

JS: I do't know, I don't know. Yeah, you get nothin'. Now lookit, when
President White of the United Mine Workers, whe he went out and he was
president, he took and sold the goddam miners out to the operators. In one
year's time. He wasn't even in there a year, and he sold it out to the, to
the operators.

AV: Did your officials here do that?

JS: Yeah!

AV: They did! Who?

JS: Mitchell. John Mitchell was his name. White, I mean, not Mitchell. White

AV: John White?

JS: White was his name.

AV: What did he do?

JS: He was president of the United Mine Workers. He won out at the election, you
know. And he wasn't in there I don't think one year when he sold out to the gosh darn

AV: Hmm. This was in Eckley?

JS: No, he was, I don't know what the hell place he was from. Because, see it goes
in the district, the whole damn section. All the mines you know they're goin--
anthracite now. I don't know who the hell is runnin' them because they have
trouble there.

AV: How about the local Eckley mine? Who ran that union?

JS: Well, as I say, Coxes had it first, that was theirs,, see, they got this

AV: Who ran the union in Eckley?

JS: Oh. Jees, well, first was this here--I forget their names, and then come in

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