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Polk Letters: November 26, 1840


Bishop Polk, Columbia, Tenn., to his mother, Mrs. Sarah Polk, re: his great
interest in building a church, describng it, hoping to have it ready for
consecration by the meeting of the next Tennessee Convention in Columbia in
June or July, next - if they do not have it consecrated sooner; a detailed
account of work and accomplishments on the plantation there and in
Mississippi, having sent Negroes, including a blacksmith and carpenter which
makes a strong and good force; his intention on sending all the Negroes he
gets from N.C. to Miss.; more about Lucius leaving to spend the winter in
Miss., ect...; an account of George's marriage and their intention of spending
the winter with her; his plans to take his wife and little ones to be with when
he goes to the General Convention; more about his little girls. 5 pp. (1 mss.
original and 1 typed copy).

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