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all I can and, moreover, will
endeavor to pay a short visit to
the facility – Please favor me
with a line to day {sic} whether, in
doing so, I shall have to take
Beersheba in my way, or proceed
direct to the “University Grounds”,
and also whether it is deemed
indispensable to make the “Trusses”
of the roof of stone, or if “wooden
Principals” covered with a fire proof
material, and plaster ceiling would
be accepted.

I remain

Respectfully Your obt. Servant

T.K. Wharton

To the
Right Revd. Leonidas Polk
Bishop of Louisians

N.B. Is the stone in the neighboring
Quarries “Sandstone:, “Freestone or “Limestone”?
What color and what quality as to
hardness and durability?.

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