Vault Early Papers of the University

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Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document 11

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On motion, it was Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed to assess the annual rent of the lots which may be prepared to be leased; such Committee to consist of Bishops Polk & Elliott, & [Mejors?] [Arm?]field, & Fairbanks, & Col. W. R. Barney.

On motion, the Committee adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman.

David Pise, Secretary.

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University Place, Franklin Co July 19th 1860

The Executive Committee met on notification [by?] the Chairman. The roll being called the following persons, members of the Committee were present: viz;

Rt. Rev. Jas H. Otey, D.D., L.L.D., Chairman Rt. Rev. Leonidas Polk, D.D., Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliot Jr., D.D., Rev. David Pise, D.D., Secretary, John M. Bass, Esqr., Geo. R. Fairbanks, Esqr.


The Chairman read a communication from Prof. Henry of the Smithsonian Institute, relating to processing meteorological Instruments, for observations ;.

The Chairman reported the result of his correspondence for the purpose of obtaining the publications of the General Government [of?] the

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United States, & asked for further time. Request granted.

The Chairman Reported that he had received various Documents in answer to a Resolution [by?] this Committee that he be authorized to [correspond?] with Dr. [Jelf?], Mr. Dallas & others, which were laid before the Committee.

The University Engineer Reported that he had found it unnescessary to purchase a horse according to an order [by?] this Committee; also that he had found it unnescessary to procure a Forrester; [but?] had incurred some expense in protecting the trees on the University Lands.

Bp. Polk Reported that the Resolution of the Committee instruc-

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ting the Univesity Engineer to erect four additional rooms, & to procure furniture for eight rooms, had been fulfilled.

Bp. Polk Reported that the Resolution of the Committee instructing him & Mr. Bass to investigate titles, & to [on?] increasing the territory of the University have been acted upon.

In the discharge of this duty the ha[d?] secured a deed to the Hawkins tract of 86 acres; also the right of quarrying from Mr. Hines beyond the University Lands, on the line of the Rail Road; also that certain gentlemen of Franklin County had pledged themselves to have presented a petition for a partition of the interest of the Estell minor heirs in lands conveyed to the University by the Sewanee Mining Company, which petition

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had been presented, and a partition of the lands decreed by the Court; and that the interest of the heirs of age in the same tract, is in process of extinction: - also that the interest of the University in the Mo[r?]eland tract was in process of adjustment.

The Bp. reported further that the people of Franklin County have pledged themselves to proceed with the construction of a Turnpike Road from the University grounds to the Nashville & Chattanooga Rail Road, & thence to Winchester; - & to construct a Turnpike Road from the University to Hawke[rs?]ville _ that they had secured a charter & the county had voted a tax of $21000 _ for this object;_ and further that the Charter

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also gave them the right to extinguish titles to lands on the mountain which might be deemed necessary to the University.

Mr. Fairbanks made the following statement which was ordered to be entered upon the Records of this Committee

Mr. Fairbanks' Statement

"Abstract of University Lands Notes of the Title.

No. 1. Sewanee Mining Company, [(Cep?] Estell heirs' interest.) 4104 _ Acres

The S. M. Co. have deeded by [metes?] & bounds to the University 5000 ac of land, in 2500 of which they have reserved the right to receive one half of all moneys received for leases. The S. M. Co. owned this land at the time of their deed only as co-

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Acres 13 [not over?] 4104.

tenants, & the ^heirs of Estell, - 13 in number - owned an undivided interest of one third in the same. Six of the adult heirs of Estell conveyed their interest to the University by deed, & a Bill in Chancery was instituted for partition between the University & the Minor heirs & Jefferson Estell, an Absentee.

By a Decree in this cause the interest of the Minors was set apart to them outside of this 5000 acre survey.

No 2. heirs of Mr. Estell who are adults by Deed [an?] interest in the 5000 ac tract of 896 ac

Same question exists yet in reference to the Deed to this interest, some of the Estells being [lees?] satisfied. The question will be submitted

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acres 13 not over 5000 acr

to the Chancellor a[t?] August ch'ry Court in Franklin County.

No. 3. A. Gipson - By absolute Deed of 25 " 4. A. M. Rutledge do 410 " 5. L. Rowe do 100 " 6. D. Barnes 100 " 7. Houghton & Hines 80 " 8. Bowers Tract 250 " 9. H. Garner. Vassar Tract 130 " 9 1/2. J.B. Hawkins in Talleys [?] & Bluff 86 " 10. Moreland Tract 100

The Deed in this case is for an undivided half of a Tract of 200acr, & a petition for a partition was filed on 1st Monday [in? of?] July at Franklin County Court.

6281 acres

Total amt. for which Titles have been secured_ 6281 acres.

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Titles secured = acres Not [perfected?] acres
No. 11. Deckard Tract 100
The title to be prefected July, 1860, by sale under execution in hands of A. S. Colyar.
No. 12. W. B. Shaphard 617
Negotiations are pending on behalf of citizens Franklin County to purchase this Tract. Shaphard now asks, it is un-derstood, the sum of $5000 - cash*. To secure a perfect title, the interest of Sharp's* heir will also require to be divested as a cost of probably $1100~
It is alleged that there was some informality in the orig-inal proceedings under which Shaphard acquird Title - it having been sold it is said
6281 717
* Since offd. to take $4500.00
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[Best rep.?]

[Count of Lands coming? to date?] 6195
[" " Land Titles not yet perfected?] 717
[Note 18 Shaphard tract con-firmed?] [without exhibiting to the court in the manner requird. by law, that such sale of the Real Estate was nescessary for the support & edu-cation of the children who were & still are Minors. Shaphard paid $350. - The Guardians of the chil-dren have agreed to release or convey the interest of the Minors under the authority of the Court, to be first obtaind. for the sum of $1000 ~ This Tract is to be purchases, it is expected, by the Turnpike Companies under the authority of their Charter, & in order to carry out the orig-inal agreement of the Citizens of Franklin County.?]
No. 13. Holden Heirs - Tract of _ 300
One of the Heirs, Mr. Porter,
[6195?] [1017?]
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