Columbia June 19th, 1893
The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor
C P Hutchinson presiding. Roll call and the following
Councilmen present: Willacy, Bond, Schade &
The minutes of the last meeting read and on
motion approved.
P V Dwyer & Bros reprt that they have not
sufficient Galvanized water pipe on hand
and they were ordered to send what they
had in stock and to get the balance
here as soon as possible.
Movd and carried that the Town make
good the discount in the Bill of J E Miles & Co
The resignation of Joshua Sullivan as
Councilman read and on motion accepted.
Motion made and carried to take up old
sidewalk on Columbus St and replace
it again with a 2 in plank for a gutter
when the street is graded.
Motion made and carried to adjourne
to meet Monday June 26th 1893 at 8 o'clock pm
B R Shaw clerk
Approved June 26th 1893
C P Hutchinson mayor
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