


Status: Indexed

Columbia Oct 2nd 1893
Town Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor
Hutchinson presiding.
Roll call and the following Councilmen present,
Sullivan, Voland & Willacy
The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved.
The engineer's report for the building of sidewalk on Colum-
bus Street
read, and on motion, the same laid on the table
til next meeting, and warrants drawn for 70% of said estimate.
the Engineer report for grading down to Angeline Street in
the month of September read and on motion accepted and
warrents ordered drawn for 70% of said estimates.
Town Treasurer's report for the Quarter ending September 30
read and on motion accepted and placed on file.
the Town Clerk's report for the Quarter ending Septem-
ber 30th 1893, read and on motion accepted and placed on file.
Bill from the Grade Contractors of Columbus Street for bal-
ance due them on contract, read and ordered paid as soon
as the 30 day limit had expired.
Bills for the work done making culvert on Angeline
read and the following warrents ordered drawn for the
payment of smae A A Hepler $2.00, J C Huff $.88, H Bemis $2.00,
J McCloud $1.35, D C Brownfor 35 lb nails, $1.75.
Bill for barn rent, $1.75, presented by J C Huff, and the
same withdrawn.
Bill for L C Woodman for $10.00 engineers work done on
Angeline Street read and on motion warrant drawn for payment
of same.
Bill from S H Clements for $12.50 as roadman on
work done on Angeline Street made and on motion the same was
cut down to $10.00 and a warrant ordered for payment of same.
Bill for L C Woodman for $35.50 for work done on Angeline
and on motion warrant ordered for payment of same.
Bill from Columbia Home Co. for $7.50 for lumber fur-
nished, read and on motionm warrant ordered for payment of same.
Motion made and carried, that the minutes of the meet-
ing held September 4th, be corrected to read as follows, towit:
Motion made and carried that the engineer's report for work
done by the Columbia Street Grade contractors be accepted
and the council accept the Street as finished as far as the
Grade Contractors is concerned.
Motion made and carried to lay water pipe for Fer-
dinand Street
along the Ally to the rear of the K of P
the Lodge digging the ditch for the pipe.

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