that the payment of same be deferred for the space
of one year. Same filed
A request from Wm Camp supt of the Rainier
Electric Rwy requesting permission to remove certain
planks between the tracts of said Ry for necessary im-
provements was read and he was granted fifteen days for
the planks to be up, but informed if longer time was
necessary it would be granted.
On motion of Mr Willacy the Railway people
were order to plank all crossing of streets this
fall width of said street.
A Protest signed by citizens JJ Kintz and A
H Heplerprotesting against the acceptance of the
sidewalk on Columbus Street was read. Also a
counter protest against the extension of Time for the
Acceptance of said walk signed by contractor J
Hellenthal, the same was well discussed by Town
engineer Woodman, His Hon the Mayor and others present.
On motion of councilman Willacy the engineer
was requested to meet the members of the council &
Mayor on Oct 24th and ascertain if possible whether
or not said sidewalk on Columbus Street had been
constructed according to the contract.
Bids now opened for the constructionof teh side
waks on [Angeline Street]]. Only one bid being
offered and that being considered too h igh, it
was promptly rejected and on motionofcouncil-
man Schade the clerk was ordered to readver-
tise for bids and post smae as provided for five
days previous to Oct 30th 1893.
A motionto adjourn to meet Oct 24th at 8 o'clock pm
was made passed and caried.
Oct 24th 1893
The council met as per adjournment
Mayor Hutchinson Councilmae Willacy & Schade
being the onlu ones present the meeting was adjourned
to meet Monday night Oct 30th 1893
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