Columbia Dec 4th 1893
Town Council met pursuant to adjournment,
Mayor Hutchinson Presiding.
Roll call and the following councilmen present,
Voland,Willacy & Schade The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved.
On motion the Treasurer was ordered to make out
the bills for water rent due and unpaid and send
the same to the consumer.
The residents on Columbus,Angeline and
Americus St at half rates.
on motion it was decided to give F E Scott the
contractor on Angeline St one month more time
to complete his contract subject to the consent of
his Bondsman.
Motionmade and carried to widenthe cross work on
Winston andAngeline St from 4ft to 6 ft at an
additional cost of one cent per lineal foot.
Motion made and carried to give Mr.Hughston the
contract of erecting the guard rail on Angeline St
at 3 cents per lineal foot.
Motion made and carried to allow the residents
living in Angeline St to build a 4 ft walk across
the street in front of Mr. Hastings' house.
The report on the number of feet of sidewalk
completed onAngeline St read and on motion the
clerk instructed to draw warrants for the amount
due the contrators.
On motion F M Woodruff was appointed Inspector
of the Election to be held Dec 5th in place of
Louis Almquist resigned.
On motion the clerk was instructed to draw a
warrant in favor of Joseph Hellethal for the
amount due him on the Columbus St sidewalk
contract the same to be drawn on the Columbus
St fund.
Motion made and carried to adjourn to meet
Monday night Dec 11th at 8 o'clock pm
Approved Dec 11th 1893
B R Shaw clerk
C P Hutchinson mayor
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