Columbia Dec 11th 1893
Town Council met pursuant to adjournment,
Mayor Hutchinson Presiding.
Roll call and the following councilmen present,
Voland,Willacy & Schade
The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved.
The council proceeded to canvass the returnes of
the anual election held onthe 5th day of Dec.
for the purpose of electing 3 three councilmen
to serve for two years and two councilmen tofill the unexpered term of Joseph Hellenthal and
Fred Bond ending on the second Tuesday of
January 1895.
And for the following special propositions:-
Shall the Town of Columbia for municipal
purposes borrow six thousand dollars $6000
and issue its negotiable bonds there for
and in favor if the proposition as set fourth
and detained in Section 1 of this Ordinance #39 of
said town.
That the Town of Columbia ratify the purchase
of the water works of the Town of columbia made
pursuant #24 from Columbia Home
Company and expenditures and additions
hereto fore made thereto and to make certain
other additions therefor the said water works
now controlled by said town for the purpose of
supplying water to the inhabitants of the
Town of Columbia at the total estimated cost
as set fourth on said section of said ordinance
of Four Thousand Dollars ($4000) and for the
purpose of providing for the epxpenditures
therefor said town borrow money ad contract
indebtedness therefore by the issuance and sale of
bonds of said town in the sum of four thousand
Dollars ($4000)
The council having canvassed saie election returns
do find said electio to be as follows - viz:
For councilmen for the term of two years,
William Willacy50
D W Calder 46
J D Chase 48
E Voland 1
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