Columbia Feby 4th 1895
The Town Council met persuant to
adjournment Mayor Pierson presiding
Roll Call and the followingCouncilmen
present; McKay, Groat & Almquist
The minutes of the last meeting read and
on motion approved.
A communication from Fred H Peterson
in reference to the suit to reclaim the
land known as Park read and on motion
ordered placed on file and on motion the
Park Committee discharged from further
Report from the Marshal Brown reand
and on motion accepted and ordered placed
on file.
A petition from Rainier Lodge #184 I O G P
read asking for better protection of their
property and on motion the same was
ordered placed on file. and a committee
of one appointed to inform the members of
the Columbia Athletic Club that unless
better usuage of the Hall and contents is
maintained they will be refused the use
of same.
Ordinance #50 fixing the bonds and the
compensation of the Officers of the Town
of Columbia read and on motion passed by
the Council and approved by the Mayor.
Ordinance #51 defining the duties of
the City Attorney and fixing his compen-
sation read and on motion passed
by the Council and approved by the Mayor
The folllowing standing committees are
appointed by the Mayor.
On Water Councilmen Calder, Groat and
On Streets and Alleys, Almquist, Chase and
On Finance, McKay, Groat & Chase
On Health, Groat, Calder & Chase
On Public Buildings and Wharves, Chase,
McKay and Calder
Bill from D C Brown for salary for the
month of January as Marshal $8.33 read and
on motion the same was ordered paid.
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