
Columbia City Council Minutes, 1895 See full description in Digital Collections




97 Columbia Jan. 7th 1895 The town council met at the Town Hall. Mayor Hutcheson presiding. Roll call and the following councilmen present McKay Groat & Calder The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. The park committee report that the papers have been filed for the suit against the park. The treasurers report for the last quarter read and on motion accepted and placed on file. The Clerk's report for the last quarter read and on motion accepted and ordered placed on file. The Marshall report for the year read and on motion accepted and ordered placed on file. The Police Justice report for the year read and on motion accepted and ordered placed on file. The following bills were read and on motion warrants drawn for payment of same. Bill from Joseph Hellenthal for work removing tree from public highway .75¢ Bill from Joseph Hellenthal for servises as inspector of election $5.00 Bill from A H Hepler for servises as Clerk of election. $4.50 Bill from J C Huff for servases as Clerk of election. $4.50 Bill from Thad Osgood for servases as Judge of election $4.50 Bill from W.R. Hadlock for servases as Judge of election $4.50 A petition was read from the Columbia Athletic Club request on the use of the Town Hall for Tuesday and Saturday nights they to furnish wood and lights and on motion the same was granted. The question of paying the tax assessment against the Columbia Water work discussed and the attorney recommended the council not to pay the same

Last edit about 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


98 A communication from H H Hastings read sending his resignation as City Attorney and on motion the same read and accepted and the communication placed on file. Motion made and carried that S E Thompson be appointed as City Attorney and his oath of office read and on motion accepted and ordered placed on file. Communication from Messrs VanToble and Humphrey read and requesting the immediate payment of Warrants #35-67 of the Gen Fund and Warrants #1-6-17-27 of Columbus St Fund on motion the same was ordered placed on file. The Mayor having replied to same. Motion made and carried that warrants in payment of the quarterly salary of the Attorney, Clerk, and Marshal be issued. The council then proceeded to canvas the returns of the annual election held on the 4th day of Dec for the purpose of electing a Mayor for the term of two years two Councilmen to serve for the term of two years and one councilman to fill the unexpired term of William Willacy resigned ending the second Tuesday of Jan 1896. and for Treasurer to serve for the term of one year. The Council having canvassed the returns of said election do find said election to be as follows viz: For Mayor R H Hutcheson 21 votes For Mayor V R Pierson 25 votes For Councilmen for the term of two years Louis Almquist 26 votes Joseph Hellenthal 22 votes Thomas McKay 22 votes A A Hepler 21 votes For Treasurer O A Schade 28 votes F C Torstenson 17 votes

Last edit about 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


99 Whereby it appearing to the council that the following men having received the majority of the voted and they are therefore declared duly and legaly elected viz: For Mayor V R Pierson For Councilmen for the term of two years Louis Almquist for Councilman to fill the unexpired term of William Willacy C N Groat For Treasurer O A Schade It appearing to the council that the vote for Thomas McKay andJoseph Hellenthal resulting ina tie, neither one is therefore eleted and owing to the result of suchtie is is hereby declared tht Thomas McKay hold the office of councilman until the next annual election no one having been elected to fill his place Motion made and carried to adjourn until the next regular meeting B R Shaw town clerk Approve June 8th 1896 C P Hutcheson Mayor

Last edit about 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


100 Columbia Jan 8th 1895 The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment Mayor Hutchenson presiding Roll Call and the following councilmen present McKay Chase & Groat The minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. Councilman Chase [?] of sickness The oath of office of councilmen elect Groat & Almquist and & Mayor elect Pierson read and ordered placed on file and the Mayor Pierson and councilmen Almquist take then respective seats. The oath of office of O A Schade as Treasurer elect read and ordered placed on file. The motion to establish the Clerk's salary at $50.00 per year was lost for the want of a second to, and the same was the result of the motion to make the Marshall salary $25.00 per year. Made and carried to adjourn to meet Thursday Jane 10th at 7:30 PM B R Shaw town clerk Approved Jan 10th 1895 V R Peirson mayor

Last edit about 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


143 Columbia Jan 10th 1895 The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment. Mayor Pierson presiding Roll Call and the following council men present McKay, Calder, Groat, Chase and Almquist the minutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. The motion to establish the Clerk's salary at $50.00 per year lost for want of a second and the motion to establish the Clerk's salary at $100. per year carried The motion to establish the Marshal's salary at $25. per year was lost and a motionwas made and carried to establish the Marshals salary at $50. per year Motion made and carried to establish the Attorney's salary at $120.00 year. On motion the following officers was chosen for the next year For Clerk B R Shaw For Marshall J C Huff For Attorney L E Thompson For Police Justice C R Hepler On motion the officers chosen was requested to give bonds as follows Treasurer O A Schade $2500.00 Marshal J C Huff 200.00 Clerk Shaw 200.00 Police Justice C R Hepler $50.00 Attorney Thompson $300.00 On motion the Attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance defining the Duties of the Marshal On motion councilman McKay was instructed to employ an attorney to draw an ordinance defining the duties of the City Attorney On motion the officers requested to have their bonds ready the next regular meeting Motion made to adjourn until the first Monday in Feb B R Shaw town Clerk Approved Feb 4th 1895 V R Peirson mayor

Last edit about 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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