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Columbia May 13th 1895
Town Council met pursuant to adjournment
Mayor Pierson presiding
Roll Call and the following councilmen
present Groat Calder & Almquist
Theminutes of the two last meetings
read and on motion approved.
Bill from Hepler Lumber Co for lumber
$5.29 read and on motion a warrant
ordered drawn for payment of same
Marshal Huff reported ont he progress
on the sewer being built and on motin
the same accepted and he was instructed
tofinishthe same as soon as possible by
employing help to be paid in warrants
The report of Treasurer Schade for the first
quarter of the year, read and on motion
asccepted and ordered placed on file.
The committee appointed to audit the
books of the Clerk and Treasurer read
and on motion accepted and ordered
placed on file.
The Committee appointed to investigate
the matter on bonds of the officers of the
Town made then refused and on motion
the same accepted and the comittee discharged
The bonds of Tresurer Schade read and
on motion accepted and placed on
file. On motion the office of councilman
McKay declared vacant
Motion made and carried to postpone
the election of a new councilman until
the next regular meeting.
Motion made and carried to postpone
the appointment of a Police Justice untl
the next meeting.
Motion made and carried to accept the
payment of Poll Tax by W D Calder for 1894
and payments of Poll Tax for this yer.
Motion made and carried to refuse to accept
General Fund warrants in payment of water rent
On Motion the Attorney instructed to
draw an ordinance reducing the water rate to 50 cents
per month for each family. also to draw and ordinance
transferring $25.00 fron the gen fund to the emergency
fund. Motion made and carried to adjourn the meet-
first Monday in June B R Shaw clerk
V R Peirson mayor

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