Columbia City Wash October 4th 1897
The Town Council of the Town of Columbia
met in regular session at 8 o'clock PM Mayor
Reeves presiding
Roll Call answered by Brown, Hepler and
Osgood; Cameron and Voland absent.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Treasurer's report read and accepted with the
understanding that a written report of the same
should be filed with the Clerk as soon as possible.
Marshal's report read and accepted.
Marshal's request to have $4.00 deducted from
his next salary warrant in payment for water
rent due from one Mrs Huff, granted.
Attorney's verbal report of Street Grade assess-
ment matter heard.
On motion Mr Osgood was appointed a special
committee of one to look into road and bridge
Clerk's quarterly report read and accepted.
Resignation of E Voland accepted by regular
motion of the Council and J A Campbell elected
to fill that vacancy, and his oath of office
filed with the clerk.
Petition fo C S Chase for rebate on water rent
read and on motion was granted, with
one dissenting vote from Mr A A Hepler
Motion was made and carried to instruct
the City Attorney to draw up ordinances estab-
lishing certain funds under the new law,
and matters relative thereto.
Mr Campbell was appointed by the Mayor
as member of the Finance Committee, in place of
Mr. Voland.
On motion meeting adjourned until
Wednesday evening Oct 6th.
Apprived C F Reeves mayor.
C S Chase clerk
Correction: On motion Clerk was ordered to issue
Genreal Fund Warrants for Marshal's, Attorney's and
Clerk's quarterly salary.
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