Columbia City Wash Dec 6th 1897
The Town Council of the Town of Columbia
met in regular session at 8:30 o'clock with
Mayor Reeves in the chair.
Roll call ansewere by Cameron, Hepler,
Osgood and Campbell
Minutes of previous session read and apporved.
Bridge Committee Cameron reported Noble St
Bridge repairs completed by C R Hepler as per
contract and on motion the report was accepted.
Report of city Attorney on 1892 road tax
matter read and on motion the Mayor was
instructed to authorize demand for said
road tax from the County Commissioners of
King Co as per legal form drawn up by the
City Attorney.
Resignation of C N Groat, Marshal read
and on motion was accepted and filed with
the Clerk.
Report of said Marshal read and accepted.
On motion General fund warrant for
eleven dollars was ordered drawn in favor
of C N Groat for fraction of quarterly salary.
Motion was made to appoint Mr J H Garber
to perform the duties of Marshal for the
remainder of the month of December 1897
at a cash compensation equivalent to six
dollars per month. Carried.
Election matter brought up and Mr G T
Quimby was nominated for inspector of
election and Mr J H Garber and Mr Leslie
Osgood as judges of elections. Being no
opposition the three gentlemen were
appointed as nominated.
On motion warrant was ordered drawn
on Emergency Fund for $48.50 in favor of
C R Hepler in payment of bridge repairs.
Bills of cost of ballots and poll books
presented and on motion warrants were
ordered drawn on Emergency Fund for
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