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Columbia Wash Sept 6th 1898
The Town Council of the Town of Colubia met
be no quroum being present adjourned to
meet again Saturday Sept 10th 1898 at 8 PM
Sept 10 1898
Council met in adjourned session and
was called to order at 8 o'clock PM with the
Mayor inthe chair. J G Lawrence Clerk pro tem.
Reading of the minutes of last regular
meeting deferred.
Street committee presented a communication
from Mr F D Black with reference to opening
Letitia St Mr Black making the following proposition
toward the improvement of said Letitia St
"I propose to furnish in labor two thirds of the
cost of improvement, providing you will
provide for the other one third. total cost not exceed
Moved seconded and carried that Mr Black's
proposition be accepted and the Street Committee
be authorized to expend $50.00 to carry out its
part of the above proposition.
On motion Council adjourned to meet again
Saturday Sept 17th and the Clerk was instructed
to notify Mr F A Osgood that the matter of
the Rainier Beach Ry franchise would be
considered at that time and that hispresence
ewas desired by the Franchise Committee.
C F Reeves mayor
J G Lawrence clerk pro tem
Sept 17th 1898
Council met again with Mayor Reeves in
the chair.
C R Hepler
Fred Osgood
Chas Cameron
J G Lawrence
W S McCurley
absent Clerk and J A Campbell
Minutes of last adjourned meeting read

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