Multiple petitions, signed by hundreds of citizens, were submitted requesting that a way be found to construct a sewer in Front Street without shutting down the Front Street Cable Railway. The Mayor and Board of Public Works suggested that the construction be done at a time when the shut down of the Railway would affect the community the least. See full description in Digital Collections




To the B of A The [Hopd] instruct the B of P W to focus immediatly with the construction of the Front St sewer from the outfall at King Street to Cherry St and transmit the same for connect [?]

Last edit almost 3 years ago by s.fristrom


City of Seattle Mayor's Office J T Ronald, mayor City Hall Seattle Washington Jan 1st, 1894 To the City Council: Gentlemen: In as much as the Board of Public Works has referred to you the question as to when they shall commence work upon the Front Street sewer, I most respectful wish to suggest that now is, in my opinion, the most available time for the wor. I am not mindful of the fat that the tearing up of the street at this time will inconvenience the business men thereon, but we should consider that the next two months are going to be severe ones, from many standpoints, for the business men. They have credited vast sums. The laborers of the city need the employment to earn the money to pay these bills. The inconvenience to the business men on Front and Commercial Streets will be less now than it will do more good, so far as filling wants and satisfying discontent, is concerned, than $2.00 expanded in the coming summer. I therefore earnestly recommend that you instruct the Board of Publi works immediately to proceed with the construction of the sewer on Front and Commercial Streets. Very Respectfully J T Ronald, mayor

Last edit almost 3 years ago by s.fristrom


To the Hon. The City Council Gentlemen: The accompanying petition and protest against building the Front Street Sewer are resepctfully referred to you with the recommendation that your pass an ordinance designating the time for shutting down the Front St Cable Ry. In the opinionof the board such action is necessary before work on the proposed sewer is begun. Very Respectfully C G Heifner, Secy

Last edit almost 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Seattle Wash, Dec 20, 1893 To the Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen:- We the undersigned residents of the City of Seattle, respectfully but earnestly remonstrate against the adoption by your honorable body, of any plan for constructing the proposed sewer on Front and Commercial Streets, that will require the cessation of operationof the Front Street Cable Company's cars on said streets. In our opinion, such stoppage would be an injustice to the owners of said car line, to its patrons (many of whomhave no other convenient means of reaching the business part of the City), and to those engaged in business on Front and Commercial streets. Seattle Hardware Co. J M Lang & Co Louch Augustine & Co Dimock & Cheasty J W Colman Tho MacDougan & Southwick & Co Merchants National bank Gordon & Cardmore Co W H Pumphrey & Co C E Holmes Star Estate Frank H Winslow, Agt

Last edit almost 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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