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33 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 255 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the construction of a sidewalk along the east side of Front (formerly Third) Street from the north side of Wall Street to the south side of Battery Street". Thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote. to wit: In favor of adoption Clancey, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer and McDonald. Against adoption none. And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance No 256 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No 254." Thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adoptable upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption, Clancey, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer and McDonald. Against adoption none. A Communcation is recieved and read from the Mayor upon the subject of China Wash Houses and their realtions to fire: Thereupon said Communication is offered to the the Fire Committee. And now the Council proceeds to elect a Policeman whose beat shall be the same as set forth in the petition of J M Kollock & others heretofore acted upon at this meeting Whereupon James Welch receiving a majority of all the votes of siad council is duly declared elected as such Policeman for the term provided by law Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Firday evening February 10th 1882 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor

Be it remembered tajt onthis the 10th day of February 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its CouncilChambers pursuant to adjournment The following Officers are present: to wit: His Honor the Mayor L P Smith and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, John Collins, M Densmore, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Charles McDonald

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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34 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE And now the Finance Com tee return the petition of C P Dose report favorably thereon. Where upon it is ordered taht a warrant be drawn in favor of said petitioner on the Road Fund on the sum of $4.00 for road poll tax remitted And now the Ordinance make their report upon the Ordinance granting the right to lay a street railway in our City to Geo. Kinnear & others recomment certain amendments to said ordinance It si therefore ordered that the said Ordinance be re-referred to said Com tee with instructions to conferwith the City Attorney and with said Geo Kinnear & others & to submit such and Ordinance as can be agreed upon between all of said parties And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance No254 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for the construction of a side walk along the North side of Main Street from the East side of Seventh Street to the East side of the alley between Fourth and Third Streets Thence Crossing said Main Street to the South side thereof and from thence along the said South side of said Main Street to the alley between Second and Commercial Streets there connecting with a side walk recently constructed by the proprietors of the Arlington Hotel thereupon after due examination & consideratioin said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald Against adoption none And now it appearing to the Council that thereis a vacancy existing in the Office of City Sexton caused by the death of Thos S Russell the Council proceeds to fill such vacancy. Whereupon O C Shorey receiving the unanimous vote of the whole Council is duly declared elected to such office for the term provided by law Ordered that the Street Committee be & they are hereby insturcted to remove from time to time as they see fit all shade trees & other obstructions now existing & causing inconvenience to travel in teh streets. Ordered that Thos Clancy, Moses Keezer & M Dens

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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35 COMMON COUNCIL OF TEH SCITY OF SEATTLE more be & they are hereby appointed to a Committee to investigate all matters pertaining to the City Cemetary Ordered that the Council stand now adjournment until Friday evening February 17th 1882 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor Be it remembered that on the 17th day of February 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor L P Smith and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, John Collins, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan Moses Keezer & Charles McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had: And now a petition is received from James Gleason & others praying for the construction of a sidewalk on Jackson Street thereupon the same is referred to the Street Committee A petition is received from E A Turner & others praying for the opening of Weller Street Thereupon the same if referred to the Street committee A petition is received from C P Stone & others praying for the removal of the Bud Long Boat House & Boats from the South side of the Columbia Street Incline; thereupon the prayer of the petition is granted & it is ordered that the City Marshall be & he is hereby instructed to cause such removal And now come the persons hereinafter name and make applications for the licenses herein after named from the dates for the periods hereinafter specified; and at the same time said applicants file their several bonds in accordance with the Ordinance relative thereto. after due examination said bonds are approved; and the said applicants make

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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