



Status: Indexed

July 14/82 and is hereby withdrawn from said John Baker.
The Street committee to whom was referred the
bids on Stewart, Tenth and Virginia streets submit their
report thereon recommending that said bids be rejected.
Ordered that all the bids received for the con-
struction of said sidewalks be and they are hereby rejected.
The Street committee report on the petition of Portman,
Padden & Co
et al, whereupon said petition is granted, and
the construction of a street crossing in accordance with the
prayer thereof ordered.
And now comes Geo. W Walsh and makes application for a grocery license
for a period of three months beginning July 16th and at the same time
said applicant files his bond in accordance with the ordinance relative thereto.
After due examination said bond is approved and the said applicant making
due proof that he is a man of good moral character it is therefore ordered
that theclerk be and he is hereby instructed to issue a grocery
license to said applicant for said period of three months.
And now the ordinance committee submit Ordinance No 290,the
same being entitled-"An Ordinance to License Tax and Regulate
Threatics, Shows, and other Exhibitions and PublicAmusements"
After dueconsiderationsaid ordinance is adopted by
the following ovet, towit: In favor of adoption, Thos Clancy, M Densmore,
Wm A Jennings, G L Manning, Chas McDonald and John Keenan; A-
gainst adoption, none.
And now the Ordinance committee submit Ordinance No291
the same being entitled - "An Ordinance to provide for the procuring
of an additional Steam Fire Engine" After due consideration
said Ordinance is adopted bythe folowing vote to wit: In favor of
adoption Thos Clancy, M Densmore, Wm A Jennings, G L Manning, Chas
and John Keenan. Against adoption, none.
And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 292
the same being entitles. "A special ordinance toprovide for
the grading and improvement of Washington Street from the East Line
of Commercial Street to the center line of Fifteenth Street in the City

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