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Aug 4/82 Be it remembered that on this the 4th day of August
1882, the Common Council of the City o fSeattle meets in its
Council Chamber pursuant to law
Present, His Honor the Mayor, H G Struve and councilmen
John Collins, Chas F Clancy, O F Cosper, Frank Gash, G L Manning
Chas McDonald and U M Rasin
Thereupon the following proceedings are had.
The Mayor submits and reads a communication to
the Council with recommendations for legislation for the en-
suing year; ordered that said communication be
Ordered that 25 copies of the order of business
and list of standing committees be published in card
form for the use of the Council
A petition is received from Harman & Thurlow praying
for a lease of a portion of Seneca Street; said petition is
referred to the Comittee on Streets and Street Improvements.
A petition isreceived from E A Turner et al praying
for the construction of a sidewalk on King Street from
7th to 10th Streets, referred to Committee on Streets and
Street Improvements.
Reports of the folowing Offices are received and referred
to Committees; viz-
Street Commissioner To Committees on Streets and Street Improvements
Fire Warden To Fire Committee
Harbor Master To Committee on Harbor and Wharves
Treasurer To Finance Committee
City Justice To Legislative and Judiciary Committee
And now the Council proceeds to elect the City
Officers for the ensuing year with the following result-
Clerk E S Osborne
Attorney C H Hanford
Treasurer J D Lowman
Justice of the Peace Frank Seidel
Health Officer Dr. E L Smith
Surveyor F H Whitworth

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