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104 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 4/82 Be it remembered that on this the 4th day of August 1882, the Common Council of the City o fSeattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law Present, His Honor the Mayor, H G Struve and councilmen John Collins, Chas F Clancy, O F Cosper, Frank Gash, G L Manning Chas McDonald and U M Rasin Thereupon the following proceedings are had. The Mayor submits and reads a communication to the Council with recommendations for legislation for the ensuing year; ordered that said communication be published Ordered that 25 copies of the order of business and list of standing committees be published in card form for the use of the Council A petition is received from Harman & Thurlow praying for a lease of a portion of Seneca Street; said petition is referred to the Comittee on Streets and Street Improvements. A petition isreceived from E A Turner et al praying for the construction of a sidewalk on King Street from 7th to 10th Streets, referred to Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. Reports of the folowing Offices are received and referred to Committees; vizStreet Commissioner To Committees on Streets and Street Improvements Fire Warden To Fire Committee Harbor Master To Committee on Harbor and Wharves Treasurer To Finance Committee City Justice To Legislative and Judiciary Committee And now the Council proceeds to elect the City Officers for the ensuing year with the following resultClerk E S Osborne Attorney C H Hanford Treasurer J D Lowman Justice of the Peace Frank Seidel Health Officer Dr. E L Smith Surveyor F H Whitworth

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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105 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 4/82 Chief of Police Jas H Woolery Policemen W B Thompson D L Meleowan Jas Welch Harbor Master Jas H Woolery Fire Warden Robt Calligan Street Commissioner Henry Sheehan Sexton O C Shorey The Mayor announces the following Standing Comittees for the ensuing year. Jusiciary and Legislative Comittee; Councilmen Rasin, Collins and Manning Committee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds; Councilmen Collins, Cosper and Clancy Committee on Health & Police; Councilman Clancy, McDonald & Gash Finance Committee; Councilmen Cosper, Rasin and McDonald Committee on Street and Street Improvements, Councilmen Gash, Clancy & Manning Commiittee on Fire and Water Supply; Concilmen McDonald Cosper and Rasin Committee on Gas Lights; Councilmen Manning, McDonald and Clancy Committee on License and Revenue, Collins Manning and Cosper Committee on Harbor and Wharves, councilmen Rasin Gash & Collins Thee following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the Funds and the the amounts following towit: F W Wusthoff Hardware No58 1.75 Horace Smith Hauling Engine 59 5.00 Chas McDonald Coal 60 10.00 Young & McKeon Joint Bracket 61 2.25 Minick & Miller Hauling Coal 62 2.50 W A Perry Stewart of Engine 63 75.00 T B Hinckley Ground Rent 64 8.00

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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106 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 4/82 City Fund J M Hall Attorney No 140 41.63 E S Osborne Clerk 141 41.63 James Welch Policeman 142 80.00 W B Thompson Policeman 143 80.00 J H Woolery Chief of Police 144 100.00 D L McCowen Policeman 145 80.00 S F Coombs City Justice 146 15.55 Frank Seidel Assessor 147 187.50 James Hicks Burying Carrion 148 1.50 Wm Morris Burying Carrion 149 1.50 L Neuman Padlock & Keys 150 1.75 F W Wusthoff Hooks, Rope & Twine 151 .90 Seattle Chronicle Printing 152 77.16 Gas Fund Waddell & Miles 15 16.25 Road Fund R H Calligan StreetLabor87.00Horse Hire19.50 60 107.50 James Campbell Street Labor 61 58.00 Luther Alber Street Labor 62 58.00 Thos Rock Street Labor 63 58.00 Stetson & Post Lumber 64 20.36 John L Kahaly Hauling Lumber & Trees 65 5.25 Thos Wusthoff Nails 66 5.50 The City Attorney submits contracts with Chin Guan and Charlie for the improvements under Ordinance No 287, 288 and 289; thereupon said contracts are read bythe Clerk and the Mayor and Clerk are instructed to execute the same on behalf of the City And now comes the persons hereinafter named and make application for the licenses hereinafter named from the dates andf or the periods hereinafter specified and at the same time said applicants file their several bonds in acordance with the ordinance relative thereto After due examination said bonds are approved and The said applicants making due proof that they are persons

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107 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 4/82 of good moral character it is therefore ordered that, upon their compliance with all the other provisions of said ordinance the clerk be and he is hereby instructed to issue licenses to said applicants for the periods and purposes following, viz: Names Description of License Period Date of Commencement Flynn & Anderson Retail Liquor 3mos August 8, 1882 Flynn & Anderson 1 Billiard Table 3mos August 8, 1882 Margaret Harmon Retail Liquor 6mos August 11, 1882 Margaret Harman 1 Billiard Table 6mos August 11, 1882 Andrew Slorah Grocery 3mos August 11, 1882 Lester & Pritchard Retail Liquor 3mos August 17, 1882 Benj Murphy Retail Liquor 6mos August 11, 1882 Benj Murphy 1 Billiard Table 6mos August 11, 1882 Margaret Sullivan Grocery 3mos August 12, 1882 A F Hill Retail Liquor 3mos August 12, 1882 A F Hill 1 Billiard Table 3mos August 12, 1882 Thomas Smith Retail Liquor 3mos August 8, 1882 Thomas Smith Retail Liquor 3mos August 8, 1882 Gottlieb Burrian Grocery 6mos August 22, 1882 Gottlieb Burrian 1 Pool Table 6mos August 22, 1882 Gottlieb Burrian 1 Pigeon Hole Table 6mos August 22, 1882 John H Horrell Retail Liquor 6mos August 8, 1882 Adam Shay 1 Pigeon Hole Table 3mos August 10, 1882 Adam Shay Grocery 3mos August 10, 1882 Jake Ben Retail Liquor 3mos August 10, 1882 Louis Sylvania Retail Liquor 3mos August 8, 1882 Funk & Crasson Grocery 3mos August 4, 1882 Conrad Boehm 1 Pigeon Hole Table 3mos August 8, 1882 Conrad Boehm Grocery 3mos August 8, 1882 Thos & C F Clancy 2 Billiard Tables 3mos August 8, 1882 Thos & C F Clancy Retail Liquor 3mos August 8, 1882 Thos & C F Clancy 2 Billiard Tables 3mos August 8, 1882 Fred Gash 1 Pigeon Hole Table 6mos August 8, 1882 Fred Gash Grocery 6mos August 8, 1882 Smith & Fanar Retail Liquor 3mos August 8, 1882 Smith & Fanar 1 Billiard Table 3mos August 8, 1882 D A Jennings Wholesale Liquor 6mos August 9, 1882 Schwabacher Bros & Co Wholesale Liquor 6mos August 9, 1882 S Baxter & Co Wholesale Liquor 6mos August 10, 1882 Thos Osgood Retail Liquor 3mos August 16, 1882

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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108 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug4/82 The report of the following officers are received and ordered placed on file, viz: Street Commissioner, Harbor Master, Fire Warden, City Justice, City Attorney Ordered that the clerk be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the furnishing of the City with the following articles for the ensuing year; viz: Lumber & Stationary; and for bids for lighting the gas lights, and doing the Printing of the City. Ordered that the Committee on Health and Police be aand they are hereby constituted a Board of Health. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved H G Struve mayor Be it remembered that on this the 11th day of August 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle, meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to the call of the mayor and in accordance with Ordinance No 292 Present His Honor the Mayor H G Struve and councilmen Charles F Clancy, O F Cosper, Fred Gash, G L Manning Charles McDonald and U M Rasin Thereupon the folowing proceedings are had A committee is received from the Mayor relative to a defect in Ordinanve No 292 and is ordered filed The Legislature and Judiciary Committee are instructed to submit an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No 292 A petition is received from A P Spaulding et al praying for the opening of ]]Eleventh Street]] Improvements A petition is received from Stewart & Ebersold praying for a sidewalk on the West Side of Front Street, and is referred to Committee on Streets and Street Improvements A petition is received from G W Hall et al praying that bids be called for, for the construction of sidewalks on

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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