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Aug 4/82 City Fund
J M Hall Attorney No 140 41.63
E S Osborne Clerk 141 41.63
James Welch Policeman 142 80.00
W B Thompson Policeman 143 80.00
J H Woolery Chief of Police 144 100.00
D L McCowen Policeman 145 80.00
S F Coombs City Justice 146 15.55
Frank Seidel Assessor 147 187.50
James Hicks Burying Carrion 148 1.50
Wm Morris Burying Carrion 149 1.50
L Neuman Padlock & Keys 150 1.75
F W Wusthoff Hooks, Rope & Twine 151 .90
Seattle Chronicle Printing 152 77.16
Gas Fund
Waddell & Miles 15 16.25
Road Fund
R H Calligan StreetLabor87.00Horse Hire19.50 60 107.50
James Campbell Street Labor 61 58.00
Luther Alber Street Labor 62 58.00
Thos Rock Street Labor 63 58.00
Stetson & Post Lumber 64 20.36
John L Kahaly Hauling Lumber & Trees 65 5.25
Thos Wusthoff Nails 66 5.50
The City Attorney submits contracts with Chin Guan
and Charlie
for the improvements under Ordinance No 287, 288
and 289; thereupon said contracts are read bythe Clerk and
the Mayor and Clerk are instructed to execute the same
on behalf of the City
And now comes the persons hereinafter named and
make application for the licenses hereinafter named
from the dates andf or the periods hereinafter specified
and at the same time said applicants file their several
bonds in acordance with the ordinance relative thereto
After due examination said bonds are approved and
The said applicants making due proof that they are persons

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