Sept 1/82 And now the Council proceeds to open the bids for Printing re-
ceived by the Clerk pursuant to Notice duly published which
bids are as follows, to wit:
Chronicle Publishing Co
Council Proceedings Gratis
Notices etc Brener type per square 1st insertion $.75
Notices etc Brener type per square each subsequent insertion $.23
Herald Publishing Co
Council Proceedings per square $.20
Other printing Brener type per square 1st insertion $.78
Other printing Brener type per square each subsequent insertion $.36
Post Intelligencer Publishing Co
Council Proceedings Gratis
Other printing Brener type per square 1st insertion $.85
Other printing Brener type per square each subsequent insertion $.45
And nowthe Council proceeds to open the bids received by the Clerk
for furnishing lumber pursuant to notice duly published, which
bids are as follows to wit:
Stetson & Post $11.00 per M[1000 Board Feet]
Ordered that the Contract for furnishing Stationary be & is hereby awar-
ded to Pumphrey & Lowman upon their said bid.
Ordered that the Contract for printing be & is hereby awarded to
the Chronicle Publishing Co upon their said bid
Ordered that the Bids for Job printing be & they are hereby referred
to the finance Committe
Ordered that the Contract for furnishing Lumber be & is hereby awar-
ded to Stetson & Post upon their said bid.
and now the Council proceeds to elect an additional Police-
man. whereupon an election is held & R H Calligan receiving
a majority of all of the votes of the members of the Council is duly
declared elected to the Office of Policeman for the term provided by law.
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