Oct 13/82
Consideration is laid over until Monday October 16, 1882 at
7 o'clock P.M.
And now in pursuance to the provisions of Ordinance No.
303 the Council proceeds to examine + equalize the assessment
roll for the 7th Street sidewalk and to hear all complaints
touching said roll; pending which the matter of said
consideration is laid over until Monday October 16 1882
at 7 o'clock P.M.
And now in pursuance to the provisions of Ordinance No.
304 the Council proceeds to examine + equalize the assessment
roll for the Front Street sidewalk and to hear all complaints
touching said roll; pending which the matter of said con-
sideration is laid over until Monday October 16 1882 at
7 o'clock P.M.
Ordered that the Judiciary and Legislative Committee
be they are hereby instructed to submit at next meeting
and Ordinance levying a tax to pay for grading done on
Union Street under Ordinance No. 289
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until
Monday October 16 1882 at 7 o'clock P.M.
Attest: Osborne, clerk Approved: H.G. Struve, mayor
Oct 16/82
Be it remembered that on this the 16th day of October 1882 the
Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Cham-
ber persuant to adjournment.
The following officers are present, towit:
Councilman John Collins, O.F. Casper, Charles F. Clancy,
Fred Gasch, G.L. Manning, and U.M. Rasin
Thereupon the following proceedings are had.
By reason of the absence of His Honor the Mayor Councilman
John Collins is appointed President of the Council for the meeting
Committees Reports Received
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