Feb. 12/83 S.G. Simpson perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] $16.95
S.F. Hoole perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 16.25
D.S. Hill and H. Rosburg perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 17.50
L.E. Hicson perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 18.10
John M. Stewart et al perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 17.00
G.E. Currier perM feet B.M.[thousand board feet] 17.50
And now is appearing to the Council that the bid of S.F.
Hoole is the lowest and best bid, and that he is the lowest
responsible builder. It is therefore ordered that the contract
be awarded to him upon his giving a bond with good and
sufficient sureties in the sum of $300.00
Petitions Received
From Amos Brown et al for grading Spring Street from the
west side of Second Street to Front Street. Referred to
the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements.
From Thos H. Bates for the right to erect a building on Front
Street near Marion. Referred to the Committee on Streets and
Street Improvements.
From Fred E. Sander for the right to use a building as a
Wash House. Referred to the Committee on Fire and Water Supply.
From Herrietta M. Heller et al for the grading of and the
construction of sidewalks on both sides of James Street from
Third to Broadway. Referred to the Committee on Streets
and Street Improvements.
From His Honor the Acting Mayor declining to sign
Warrant to be drawn favor of E.W. Rea until all liens on
Engine House are satisfied. Adopted.
The petition of Thos H. Bates is rejected.
Ordered that a Committee of 3 be and they are hereby
appointed to receive plans and specifications for a Brick or
Wooden Engine House on Columbia Street Property. There-
upon McDonald, Clancy & Gasch are appointed such
a Committee.
Licenses refused
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