Jan 9/84 Be it remembered that on this the 9th day of January 1884 the Common
Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursu-
ant to adjournment.
The following Officers are present, towit: Councilmen
Thos Clancy, B.F. Day, Geo W. Harris, Chas McDonald, Otto
Ranke, U.M. Rasin and F. W. Wusthoff.
By reason of the mobility of His Honor the Mayor H.G. Struve to
attend, Councilman U.M. Rasin is elected to the position of President
of the Council to serve during the meeting.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had.
Petitions Rec'd
From D.B. Ward et al for certain amendment to Ordinance No. 499.
Referred to Judiciary and Committee.
From James McKinlay et al for a sidewalk on Jackson Street
between Commercial and 2d. Referred to Street Committee.
Reports Rec'd
From Attorney on status of litigation. Adopted.
From Attorney denying the petition of Charles Renton, Adopted.
From Treasurer returning the Tax Roll for the year 1883 together
with his report for 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1883. Referred to
Finance Committee.
From Treasurer for the month of December. Adopted
From Surveyor on the matter of the completion of the sidewalk on
Washington Street. Referred to Street Committee.
Committee Reports Rec'd
From Finance on the petition of Anthony Le Brasche recommend-
ing that the sum of $50.00 be allowed to said petitioner for (?)
services & that the Warrant therefor be made payable to the order
of the Fire Warden.
From Finance on the petition of B.B. Freed. Re-referred.
From Finance rejecting the petition of N. John Ronberg. Adopted.
From Street Committee denying the petition of O. A. Hohn for the
right to build steps on sidewalk. Adopted.
From Street Committee denying the petition of Geo. F. (?) et al the
(?) all in Street. Adopted.
From Street Committee denying the petition S A Clark for compensation
From Street Committee denying the petition of (?)
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