Apr 18/84
Mill Street from alley East of 3rd St to Williamson Street
From Street Comtee recommending that the surveyor be instructed
to make the necessary surveys and estimates for the purposes of grading
of Bell Street from First Street to 5th Street. Adopted
From Street Comtee recommending that the surveyor be instructed
to make the necessary surveys and estimates for the proposed grading
of Howell Street from 8th to 10th, along Bismark and along
Bismark to Republican. Adopted
From Special Comtee recommending that the petition of
W H Shoady et al regarding Denny's Water Front Addition be
referred to City Attorney. Adopted
From Silsby Mfg Co offering to furnish an Engine; also from
The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co offering to furnish hose. Referred
to Ranke, Wusthoff & Keenan.
Claims Paid
Road Fund
Wm Harkins Bal due on sewer Mill St $736.31
Licenses Ordered Issued
Ordered that licenses be issues as follows to wit:
T B Timony Retail for 3 months from April 7
The A P Hotaling Co Wholesale for 6 months from April 16
Shaw & Alger Retail for 3 months from April 9
Celestin StUpery Retail for 3 months from April 19
Wm Busha Retail for 3 months from April 17
Gledhill & Kavanaugh Retail for 3 months from April 24
Miles & McCormick Retail for 3 months from April 15
Consideration of Ordinances
An Ordinance is submitted entitled 'To amend Ordinance No 317 entitled
"Prescribing the mode of making and collecting assessments for street
improvements"; After due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Harris, Keenen,
Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against adoption none.
An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To provide for the first election
of Chief of Fire Department of the City of Seattle and to come into
effect Ordinance No 536" . After due consideration said Ordinance is
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