July 18/84
purchase the hose carriage authorized by Ordinance adopted at the meeting
Ordered that the Attorney be & is hereby instructed to submit an
Ordinance regulating monthly allowances to each Fire Co.
for the support of such co.
Ordered that teh Council stand now adjourned until Thursday
July 24, 1884 at 8 o'clock pm
Attest E S Osborne clerk
Approved H G Struve mayor
July 25/84
Be it remembered that on this the 25th day of July 1884 the
Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber
pursuant to adjournment
The following Oficers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor
H G Struve and Councilmen B F Day,Geo W Harris, Chas
McDonald, B L Northrup, Otto Ranke, U M Rasin & F W Wusthoff.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Petitions rec'd
From J W Hunt et al for repealing the Ordinance requiring Bells on ows
Referred to Judiciary Comtee
From Willis Milliken for a position on the Polive Force. Referred
to Police Comtee.
From Preston Nott & Co offering to furnish an Amos King Steam
Fire Engine. Referred to Special Comtee on purchasing an
Engine with instructions to confer with the Chief of the Fire Dept
and Chief Engineer.
Communications Rec'd
From Chief Lind resigning as a member of the Police force
Resignation Accepted
Reprots Rec'd From Surveyor submitting a plat of the new Cemetary referred
to Comtee on Public Grounds
From Atty on the petitions of G N Alexander to construct Jackson
Street Grade [?] into City funds [?] referred to Judiciary Comtee
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