Nov 7/84
Ordered that the note of Assessment in order to provide funds to pay
for the improvement of Kentucky Street under Ordinance No 581 be &
the same is hereby fixed at the sum of 25 mills on the dollar.
Ordered that the rate of assessments in order to provide funds to pay
for the improvement of Harrison Street under Ordinance No 565 be & the
same is hereby fixed at the sum of 114 mills on the dollar
Ordered that the note of Assessment on order to provide funds to pay
for the improvement of Harrison Street under Ordinance No 581 be &
the same is hereby fixed at the sime of 22 millson the dollar.
Ordered that the rast of assessment in order to provide funds to pay
for the improvement of Temperance Street under Ordianance No 581 be &
the same is hereby fixed at the sum of 39 mills on the dollar
Theattorney submits an Ordinance entitled "To provide for a conveyance
to John E Hale of certain Real Estate"; after due consideration said ordi-
nance is adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption
Frye, Harrington, Northrup, Snyder, Sox, Yesler. Latimer & Rinehart
Against Adoption none.
2 Ordinances are submitted each being entitled "A special ordinance
appropriating money to pay audited bills". Adopted upon the following vote, to wit:
Frye, Harrington, Northrup, Snyder, Sox, Yesler. Latimer & Rinehart. Against
Adoption none.
Ordered that the claim of T H Cann for $60.00 be laid on the table
Ordered that the Council now adjourned.
Attest E S Osborne clerk
Approved John Leary mayor.
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