Feb 6/85
Be it remembered that on this the 6th day of Feburary 1885 the Common
Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to
The following Officers are present,to wit: His Honor the Mayor
John Leary and Councilmen Chas F. Clancy, Geo. F. Frye, W.A. Harring-
ton, B.L. Northrup, Alfred Snyder, E. F. Sox, H.L. Yesler, W.G. Latimer & W.V. Rinehart.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Petitions Recd'
From Sylvanus Buckias forrefunding moneys paid for taxes
and correcting assessment. Referred to Judiciary Comtee
Hoskinson for Howard St condemnation
From F S Hoskinson et al for condemning property for a street to be
called Howard Street. Referred to Street Comtee
From Geo Moyer for remitting penalty on delinquent taxes, Referred
to Judiciary Comtee
Engines to Belltown
Remonstrances are rec'd from Julius Smith et al and from Firemen
against moving Enging #2 to Bell town, Irdered that said remonstran-
ces be laid on the table. In favor of said order, Frye, Northrup, Snyder, Sox
Latimer, & Rinehart. Against the same Clancy, Harrington, & Yesler
James Street
From Wm Harkins for an extension of time until April 1,1885 on James
Street Grade. Granted upon the condition that said Harkins pay all the
claims of laborers and maerialmen already against said street.
Reports Rec'd
From Street Commissioner Referred to Street Comtee
From City Justice Referred to Street Comtee
From Justice Geo G Lyon Referred to Judiciary Comtee
From Harbor Master Order filed
From Jailor Referred to Judiciary Comtee
From Chief of Police showing arrests Referred to Judiciary Comtee
Health Officers
From Health Officer submitting quarterly report Referred to the Comtee
on Health and Police
From Treasurer on the condition of city Funds Referred to Clerk
Surveyor on drain Mill & Front
From Surveyor on defective drainage at Mill and Fourth Streets Referred to
Sewer Comtee
Same on Front at bulkhead
From Surveyor on defective bulkhead on West side of Front Street Referred
to the Attorney
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