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609 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 21/85 Be it remembered that on this 20th day of March 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmembers B.H. Northup, Alfred Snyder, H.L Yesler, W.G. Latimer and W.V Rinehart. Thereupon the following proceedings are had. Petitions Rec'd James St planking of sewer in 5th St. into James S Cherry Sts From John Collins et al for planking, James Street from Front to Second Street. Referred to Street Committee From Fridolin Wilhelm et al for a sewer in Fifth Street between Cherry and James Streets. Refered to Committee on Sewers. Lombard, Payne and Birch Sts Opening of Lombard, Payne & Birch Sts Opening of From Thos Mercer et al for opening Lombard, Payne and Birch Street in Collins addition. Referred To Street Committee [Hose Co #1] admitted to Fire Dept From The Board of the Delegates recommending the admission of "Hose Co No 1" to the Seattle Fire Department. Thereupon said recommendation is approved and said "Hose Co. No. 1" is hereby declared admitted into the Seattle Fire Department. Reports Rec'd Commercial Mill & Front St planking cost of From the Street Commissioner showing the cost of planking Commercial Mill and Front Streets. Report adopted. Cemetary to be fenced. Park approved. From the Cemetary Commission recommending the fencing of the City Cemetary and for certain improvements to the City Park. Ordered that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to notify said Commission that a fence has heretofore been ordered by the Council for the Cemetary and further ordered that the Committee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds in connection with said Cemetary Commission be and are instructed to repair the fence around the City Park and to make certain other repairs to said Park grounds. Rollin St Extension From Surveyor reporting progress on Rollin Street Extension ordered that the surveyor be & is hereby instructed to complete the plat of such extension. Moltke St From Street Committee reporting against granting the petition of A.E. Houser et al for opening Moltke Street. Report adopted. Blk 42 draining of From Committee reporting against granting the petition of D.C. Townsend et al for draining Block 42 Hen's S.A. Bell addition.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


610 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE March 20, 1885 Report Adopted 5th St Sewer From Committee on Sewer on the petition of Fridolin Wilhelm et al for a sewer in Fifth Street. Report re-referred. License referred Applications for Licenses Referred The A P Hotaling Co. James Miles, Bittner & Theiler, James A. Swain, John S. Merigan, Powers & Meyers, Chad G. Steinweg, Joseph Francis Co, John Farnhaus, John Collins, George Meister, John McCary,Chas F. O'Hara, Wm Busha, Robert Walt, L.V. Schnyder, Geo. K. Beede & Shaw & Algar Issued Licences Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued aas follows to wit: Chas Ross for Retail malt liquors for 3 months from Mar. 20 1885 James W Smith for Retail malt liquors for 3 months from Mar. 20 1885 A.E. Alden for Retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Apr. 1 M & K Gottstein wholesale intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Mar 17 Oliver Bernard Retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Mar 27 Frank Wilton Retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Mar 13 Frank Smith Retail intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Mar 20 The vote on granting said licenses stands as follows: In favor Latimer, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler Against Northrup Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following, to wit Claims City Fund Lewis VanDoren Constable Fees City v. Meyers and Powers No 1040 $24.30 Cedar River Coal Co Coal 1071 4. D.T. Denny Taxes refunded 1072 1.37 Murphys Claim rejected Ordered that the claim of W Murphy for money paid to procure testimony and $11.25 be & the same is hereby rejected. In favor of allowing said claim Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart and Snyder. Yesler not voting. Claims Road Fund J. Dickerson Labor on Streets No 917 $15.75 M. Donlan Labor on Streets 918 5.62 C. Miller Taxes refunded 919 4.85 James Street Grade #387 R.H. Thomson Engineering No 1380-1381 66.15

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


611 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 20/85 James St. Grade Ordered that the claim of Cummings & Strong for $4541.58 and other claims against James Street Improvement be and they are hereby referred to the City Atty. Ballard & Sox powder lost Ordered that the claim of Ballard & Sox for the powder lost from Powder Magazine be & is hereby referred to the City Atty. Ordinances To pay bills An ordinance is submitted entitled "A Special Ordinance Appropriating Money to Pay Audited Claims." Adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder & Yesler. Against adoption none. Miscellaneous Liquor Ord. Ordered that they City Attorney be and is hereby instructed to submit an ordinance making the following amendments to Ordinance No. 637 Dec. 7. to wit: so that the words "Have not signed within the three months preceding " shall be substituted for the words "Have not signed in the year preceding" and also the following words in lieu of the last clause of said section "There must also be filed with the City Clerk the receipt of the City Treasurer for the full amount of the license fee as herein before provided, before the issuance of the license permit." James St Grade The City Atty makes his report on the matter of the claim of Cummings & Strong be paid provided $2000 of said claim in Warrants be retained by the City & the Warant therefor be not signed & delivered until WEdnesday next so that claimants against said Street may proceed to collect amounts due voted against James Street Improvement fund. The motion is made that the claim of Cummings and Strong be paid provided $20.00 of said claim in Warrants be retained by the City and the Warrant there for be not signed and delivered until Wednesday next so that claim unto against said street may proceed to collect amounts due them by suit or otherwise. In favor of said motion Latimer, Snyder and Yesler. Agains the same Northrup and Rinehart Motion is lost. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest. E.S. Osborne, Clerk Approved John Leary, Mayor

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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