


Status: Indexed

Mar 20/85
James St. Grade
Ordered that the claim of Cummings & Strong for $4541.58 and
other claims against James Street Improvement be and they are
hereby referred to the City Atty.
Ballard & Sox powder lost
Ordered that the claim of Ballard & Sox for the powder lost from Powder Magazine be & is hereby referred to the City Atty.
To pay bills
An ordinance is submitted entitled "A Special Ordinance Ap-
propriating Money to Pay Audited Claims." Adopted upon the following
vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder
& Yesler. Against adoption none.
Liquor Ord.
Ordered that they City Attorney be and is hereby instructed to submit
an ordinance making the following amendments to Ordinance
No. 637 Dec. 7. to wit: so that the words "Have not signed within the
three months preceding " shall be substituted for the words "Have
not signed in the year preceding" and also the following words
in lieu of the last clause of said section "There must also be filed
with the City Clerk the receipt of the City Treasurer for the full amount
of the license fee as herein before provided, before the issuance
of the license permit."
James St Grade
The City Atty makes his report on the matter of the claim of Cummings & Strong
be paid provided $2000 of said claim in Warrants be
retained by the City & the Warant therefor be not signed &
delivered until WEdnesday next so that claimants against
said Street may proceed to collect amounts due
voted against James Street Improvement fund.
The motion is made that the claim of Cummings and Strong be paid provided $20.00 of said claim in Warrants be retained by the City and the Warrant there for be not signed and delivered until Wednesday next so that claim unto against said street may proceed to collect amounts due them
by suit or otherwise. In favor of said motion Latimer,
Snyder and Yesler. Agains the same Northrup and Rinehart Motion is lost.
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned
Attest. E.S. Osborne, Clerk
Approved John Leary, Mayor

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