Sep 18 1885
Be it remembered taht on this the 18th day of September
A D 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle
meets in its Council chamber pursuant to law.
the following officers are present to wit: His Honor
the Mayor Henry L Yesler & Councilmen R H Calligan,
Jacob Furth, Geo W Hall, W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W
Lake Chas McDonald and G W Young
Where the following proceedings were had to wit:
Petitions of John Collins et al praying that James Street
be planked from its intersection withFront Street to
Second Street; On motion of Councilman Furth the
Clerk is instructed to insert Cherry Street also. and the
petitionreferred to the Committee on Streets.
Petition of W H Bow et al praying for a bridge on Lincoln
Street North of Sixth Street. Rederred to Committee on Streets
Petition of Fred Gasch et al for a sewer from Washington
Street sewer through South 5th St to Mill St with
necessary branches. Referred to Committee on Sewers & Drainage
Petition of W C Hawthorne et al praying for Gas Lamps
Corner of Madison and 5th, Madison and 6th and Madison and
7th. Referrd to Committee on Gas Lights
Communication from D E Blaine offering to deliver lumber
to the City in accordance with bid of E F Blaine
guaranteeing that the hauling should not cost more
there from any other Mill received and read, and on
motion of Councilman Furth laid on the table.
Communications from Allmond and Phillips offering to
re-cast broken bell on tower of Engine House No 2 rec'd and read and
referred to Committee of Fire and Water with au-
thority to contract.
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