



Status: Indexed

Nov 20 1885
From Same Committee recommending that thepetition
of J T Ronald et al be granted so far as the opening of Prince
Williams Street
without constructing sidewalks. Adopted
From Com on fire and Water recommending that the petition
of J G Armstrong for permission to open a Laundry at 14 South
Second St
and petition of John Roshalt and A Sanderson to
open a Laundry on North Side of Main St be granted pro-
vided the applicants fit up their places subject to the ap-
provalof the Chief of the Fire Dept. Adopted
From Com on Sewers and Drainage approving Quarterly Report of
the Health Officer and recommending the adoption of its
suggestion made therein. Report adopted and the City
requested to draw up and submit a "Cubic Air Ordinance"
Communication of Granville O Haller suggesting that
City Council reorganize the services of the 14th regiment of
Regulars recently stationed in Seattle by a donation of $50.00
to eachCompany. On motiona special committee consisting
of J J Post, W A Harrington, J Furth and the City Atty is
appointed by His Honor the Mayor with request that they report
upon said communicatin at the next regular meeting.
Applications for Licenses Referred
Fred Horner, H Aurenheimer, Thos Ratcliffe, Gumbert & Dickman, E H Huntley, Ernst Romey, Eugene O'Connor, Conrad Rechtenwald, E D
, John T lester, M McDonald, Benj Murphy, Otto Fuhrman
jacob Boegli, Julius W Smith, Cowles & Foster, Morgan & Lawrence,
Harmes & Peters, J Alicoate, John Levy and F S Curtis
Licenses ORdered issued
The following licenses are ordered issued to wit:
Mauer & Steinlo Retail Intox 3 months from Oct 31
Thos Anderson Retail Malt 6 months from Nov 8
W E Townsend Retail Intox 3 months from Nov 13
M J McDonogh Retail Intox 3 months from Nov 13

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