Jan 4 1886
From Committee on Fire And Water recommending
that the petition of Fred Klenen for permission
to maintain a wooden partition constructed in his
store at 814 front Street be granted. On motion the
report is adopted. Councilman Calligan voting no.
From Same Committee reporting that the site of
the sunken steamer Mississippi had been proper-
ly marked adopted
From Committee on Health & Police recommending
that the petition of Patrick Flynn et al for the establish-
ing of a free soup house by the city benot granted
for the reason that the Committee does not think
the same necessary of expedient. Adopted
Frm Street committee reporting that Depot Street
had been opened as petition for Adopted
From Same Committee recommending that the
matter for opening Lenora Street and Olive Street
be laid over for the preent. Adopted
From Same Committee presenting a majority report
in the matter of the Lincoln Street bridge rec-
ommending that a new bridge be built, Adopted
Councilman Calligan voting no and
On motion the Street Commissioner is instructed to pro-
gress towards a selecting a practicable route to the
head of the Bay for a new road. Report read and
ordered filed and the Committee directed to secure the
reight of way across private property free of charge
to the City and report at the next meeting.
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