Mar 5 1886
Be it remembered that on this the fifth day of March A D
1886, the Common Council of theCity of Seattle meets in
its Council Chamber pursuant to law; the following
officers being present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Henry
L Yesler and Councilmen R H Calligan, J W Hall, J Furth
W A Harrington, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post and
G W Young. When the following proceedings were had to wit:
Petitions and Remonstrances
Petitionof Geo W Crane prayingfor the refunding of
the purchase money at tax sale of certain property doubly
assessed in 1882 as follows
North 1/2 of Lot 6 in Block 4 McNaughts Addition 1.87
North 1/2 of Lot 5 in Block 6 Judkins Addition 4.50
North 1/2 of Lot 6 in Block 6 Judkins Addition 4.00
North 1/2 of Lot 6 in Block 7 Judkins Addition 3.00
being a total of 13.37
together withinterest at 10% per annum form April 2d 1883
read and referred to Judiciary committee
Petition of J G Nolop et al praying that bridge
on Lake at near Lake Union be repaired. Read and referred
to Street Committee
Petitionof R L Graves et al for a fireplug at corner
of Eighth and Pike Streets, read and referred to Ifre & Water Committee
Remonstrance of Fred Crede against the openinig of
Howard and Elaine Streets, read and referred to Fianance Committee
Communication from James McNaught referred to the claim of the Turnverein read and referred to Finance Committe
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