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3 revisions | StephanieJoWebb at Mar 13, 2021 06:46 PM SEACPM18860416_Page_5784
Apr 16 1886
The Claims of [[F A Minick]] for $88.83 for services is
police officer is on motion rejected
The claim of [[D H Webster]] for $10.50 for expenses killing
and burying dogs is on motion rejected
On motion the Street Committee isinstructed to
examine [[Bismark Street]] and if in their opinion
necessary and advisable to cause said street to be
On motion City Clerk [[W R Forrest]] is granted
thirty days leave of absence from May 1st
On motion the Health Officer is instructed to
examine the cesspools on the block between [[Marion]]
and [[Madison Street]]s north of the [[Opera House]] and if
found to be nuisance to notify the owners of the property to
abate them, and if not abated to make report to the
City Atty, who is directed to commence action against
the parties, also the Health officer instructed take
some action [[Union St]].
On motion the matter of [[Madison St]] extension is
laid on the table until next meeting.
City Attorney submits an ordinance concerning
liquor licenses
On motion the ordinance is referred to the Committee
on licenses with instruction to report Firday
April 23
On motion the ordinance relating to the collection of
road poll taxes is laid on the table until Councilman
[[T W Lake]] be present.
784 SEACPM18860416_Page_5784
Apr 16 1886
The Claims of [[F A Minick]] for $88.83 for services is
police officer is on motion rejected
The claim of [[D H Webster]] for $10.50 for expenses killing
and burying dogs is on motion rejected
On motion the Street Committee isinstructed to
examine [[Bismark Street]] and if in their opinion
necessary and advisable to cause said street to be
On motion City Clerk [[W R Forrest]] is granted
thirty days leave of absence from May 1st
On motion the Health Officer is instructed to
examine the cesspools on the block between [[Marion]]
and [[Madison Street]]s north of the [[Opera House]] and if
found to be nuisance to notify the owners of the property to
abate them, and if not abated to make report to the
City Atty, who is directed to commence action against
the parties, also the Health officer instructed take
some action [[Union St]].
On motion the matter of [[Madison St]] extension is
laid on the table until next meeting.
City Attorney submits an ordinance concerning
liquor licenses
On motion the ordinance is referred to the Committee
on licenses with instruction to report Firday
April 23
On motion the ordinance relating to the collection of
road poll taxes is laid on the table until Councilman
[[T W Lake]] be present.
784 |