Jul 1 1887
by the following vote viz: ayes Coulter, Frink, Furth, Hinckley,
Lake, Russell & Reitze. Noes none.
Ordered that the Council do now adjourn
Approved W H Shoudy mayor
Attest W R Forrest clerk
Jul 15 1887
Be it remembered that on this 15th day of July 1887 the
Common Council meets in its Council Chamber pursuant
to law: the following officers are present: To wit:
Mayor W H Shoudy, Councilmen J Furth, J M Frink,
Joseph Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell & C F Reitze.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved
thereafter the following proceedings were had to wit:
Petitions & Comunications Rec'd
Petition of E A Turner et al for extending street
limits read and referred to Street Light Committee
Petition of Geo Kinnear and others to widen South
3rd Street from its intersection with Second Street
to King Street to 90 feet in width. Granted and
City Atty directed to draw the necessary ordinance.
Petition of J N Myers for permission to build a store-
room 10x12 feet in size in the rear of Building No 212
south side of Washington Street, read and referred to
committee on Fire &Water and upon examination report
back by the Committee recommending that the petition be
granted. Report adopted by the Council & petition granted.
Petition of Thomas Anderson for the return on one
quarter license form Red White & Blue Saloon he having
sold the same is read and granted and clerk directed
to draw a warrant for $125.00 in favor of said Thos Anderson
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