Aug 19 1887
Name No Fund Amount Remarks
James Dunham 1091 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose
James Campbell 1092 Fire 2.50 Hauling Hook & Ladder Truck
W L Green 1093 Fire 5.00 Hauling Hook & Ladder Truck
Chas A Craig 1094 Fire 2.50 Hauling Hose cart
Ed L Lindsley 1095 Fire 2.50 Hauling Hose Cart No 2
Ed L Lindsley 1095 Fire 2.50 Hauling Hook & Ladder Truck
Ed L Lindsley 1095 Fire 1.25 Clearing around Powder House
Madison St Ex & Mill St Assess't Rolls
And now inpursuance of law and published notice, the
Council proceeds to examine and equalize the Assessment
Rolls for the Special Asessment districts created by Ordinance
Number 839 for Grading & Improving Madison St as fur-
ther extended and established and Ordinance No 847 for the
grading and improvement of Mill Street, and no one appear-
ing to contest said rolls it is ordered that said assess-
ment rolls done nd the same are hereby approved and
Ordered that a wagon and double harness be pur-
chased for the use of the City and that Councilman R
Russell be appointed a committee of one to make such
Ordered that the clerk be instructed to advertise for
bids for lighting the streets and public buildings ofthe
City from Sept 1st 1887 to Oct 1st 1888; Also for doing the
City Printing for the same period. Also for furnishing the
City 20 tons of coal more or less to be delivered at the
City Hall and at Engine House No 1, No 2 & 4.
An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled
"An Ordinamce to further extend establish lay out and open
Natches Street in the City of Seattle" which is passed by
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