280 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 23 1887 Ordered that the Council do now adjourn until Friday evening meet at 7 30 o'clock Approved J Furth Acting Mayor Attest W R Forrest Clerk Aug 26 1887 Be it remembered that on this 26th day of August 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in the Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following officers are present, to wit: Acting Mayor J.Furth, and Councilmen Frink, Green, Moran, Niesz, Russell & Reitze and W R Forrest Clerk. The following proceedings are had to wit Petitions etc Petition of Allmond & Phillips Foundry Company for permission to remove catch from Water Street, read and motion granted Petition of Dupont & Hopkins for permission to use unoccupied land foot of Madison Street for a fish stand read & referred to Street Committee. Petition of Mrs M J Pontius, for permission to lay water pipes in 3rd, 4th, 5th, Pontius, Albert, Howard & Lincoln Street read and on motion granted. Communication from the Acting City Attorney giving his opinion on the sufficiency of the deed from the Director of the School District No 1 to the City of Seattle read and on motion laid on the table and On motion the deed is accepted and the Clerk directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $4000 in favor of the Board of Directors of School Dist No 1 for the property conveyed to wit: Lots 9 & 12 Blk 52 AA Denny's adn
281 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 26 1887 On motion of Councilman Frink the Ordinance granting a franchise to the Seattle Cable Road & Water Co is taken from the table and read. and returned to the parties interested to be acted on at the next regular meeting. Committee Reports Rec'd Bill allowed From Committee on License & Revenue on petition of August Wolff for the return of certain license money recommending that the sum of $71.50 be returned. Adopted. and warrant ordered drawn. Bids Received. In answer to calls for bids duly published bids are received and opened and contracts awarded as follows. For Lighting Public Buildings and Streets Bids are received from the Seattle Gas and Electric Co and from the Seattle Electric Light Co. Also from same parties for furnishing lamp posts and from Moran Bros for furnishing lamp posts. Said bids are referred to the committee on Street Lights and after due examination by the Committee for Lighting Public Buildings and the Street Lamps, 79 Lamps that were formerly used for gas be awarded to the Seattle Gas & Electric Co]] and that the contract for lighting the remainder of the street lighs be awarded to the Seattle Electric Light Co and that the contract for lighting the remainder of the street lights be awarded to the Seattle Electirc Light Co Report adopted and on motion it is ordered that fifty (50) of the lights furnished by the latter Company be of 32 candle power and the rest of 16 candle power incandescent lights and the City Attorney orderd to draw the necessary contracts. On motion the bids for lamp posts are laid over until the next regular meeting. Lumber The Following bids for supplying the City with
282 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 26 1887 Lumber for the ensuing year are opened & Read Stetson & Post Mill Co $12.00 per M[thousand board feet] Seattle Lumber & Commercial Co $12.00 per M[thousand board feet] Commissioner directed to divide his purchases of Lumber between the two mills. City Printing Bids for doing the City Printing are received from the Post Intelligencer Publishing Co the Times Publishing Company and the Press Publishing Company. After examination and comparison of said bids it is ordered that the contract for doing the City Printing for the ensuing year be awarded to the Press Publishing Company and the City Atty ordered to draw the usual Contracts. Ordered that the Street Commissioner put a wooden box drain across Columbia Street on Seventh extended to and across Cherry Street Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Clerk entitled "A Special Ordinance apporpriating moneyto Pay audited Bills" which is passed by the following vote In favor ofthe same Frink, Green, Moran, Niesz, Russell & Reitze, Against none. Equalization The Council proceeds with the revision and equalization of the Assessment Roll for 1887. Ordered that E Lobe & Co be reduced on personal property from $10,118 to $6000. Ordered that Treen Raymond and Turrell be reduced on personal property from $10,000 to $7000.
283 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 26 1887 Ordered that Robert Abrams be reduced on personal property $2917 account mortgages inperperly assessed. Ordered that M J Wright be reduced on personal property $3225 for same reason. Ordered that J D McDermott be reduced on personal property $1200 for same reason. Ordered that A McLian be reduced $1500 on personal property for same reason. Ordered that D T Denny be reduced on personal property $3450 for same reason. Ordered that Seattle Hardware Co be reduced on personal property from $16,000 to $10,000. Ordered that James Campbell be reduced on personal property $6000. Ordered that Joseph Stewart be reduced on personal property $1000. Ordered that the application of John Noyes for reduction on improvements be rejected. Ordered that Commercial Mill & Lumber Co be reduced on personal property from $9089 to $6000. Ordered that the Council Adjourn until Monday next at 7:30 O'clock PM Approved J Furth acting mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk