Oct 21 1887
From same committee rejecting petition of Emil Heinig
for permission to put up a building in the alley between
2nd and 3rd Streets fronting Mill Street. Adopted
From same commitee granting petition of King
County Investment Company for opening 12 st from
Columbia to Madison Street and recommending that
the owners of the block between 11th and 12th Streets on
Madison St. be permitted to build a Standard sidewalk
the same to be accepted by the Street Committee
when completed and obviate the expanse of estab-
lishing an assessment district. Adopted-
From same committee rejecting petition of Guy
C. Phinney for permission to put dirt from the
lot in N.E. corner of Front and Seneca Sts. under the
Bridge spanning Seneca St. Adopted.
From same committee granting petition of D.C.
Munrow for permission to raise sidwalk to the
grade in front of their building on S.W. Corner of
Blanchard and Front Sts., provided the work is done
a good and substantial manner, to be accepted
by Street commissioner. Adopted
From same committee on the Mayor's message and
petition of H. Butler and others as follows:
We look upon that part of the message referring to
establishing an Avenue 100 feet wide along Lake
Union and Lake Washington in the same light as
His Honor, and consider such an avenue a great
and important improvement to the City, and
recommend that steps be taken by the Council
toward such improvement. Adopted
From same committee recommending that the
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