Nov 181887 Committee Reports Received
From Judiciary Committee granting petition of
E C McClanahan for$17.50 damages occasioned by
horse falling through street planking on Jackson
Street approach to City Dock. Adopted.
From same Committee & Committee on Health & Police
upon the statement of Justice Soderberg as to
the unequal division of Criminal Cases between
the two justices recommending that the Police
Officers & Chief of Police be notified to divide their
respective cases equally between the two justices
without favor to either Judge or Criminal. Adopted.
From Same Committee on the Complaint against
gambling made by Justice Soderberg as follows:
"Your Committee begs to report so far as thay have
been able to learn, no gambling games are at
present running in the City, owing perhaps to
the fact that the Grand Jury is now in session.
Also that no complaint has been urged against the
present ordinance in reference to gambling, hence
the complaint, being more particularly urged
against the Chief of Police might more properly
be referred to the Executive Department of the
City Government, as, by reference to the mayor's
message of October 7th it will be seen that the
Mayor has already taken the necessary step
to carry into execution the provisions of the
Ordinance, hence we deem it injudicious for
the Council to interfere until the Mayor had
exhausted his official resources in the Matter
or the Ordinance is found to be unwise or defective"
From Street Committee granting the petition
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