Mar 2 1888
sidewalks on both sides of said street read and re-
ferred to the Street Committee.
Communication from Frank Beattie and Alfred Bryan
offering to keep the fire alarm wires in order for
$15.00 per month read & referred to Committe on Fire & Water.
Monthly Reports Received.
From the Mayor, read and on motion the same is re-
fered to a special committee consisting of the Chairmen
of the Judiciary Committee, Street Committee, Committee
on License & Revenue and Committee on Sewers & Drainage.
From the City Attorney for the month of Feby. read and
referred to the Committee on License & Revenue.
From Chief of Police showing number of arrests etc
read and ordered filed.
From Police Justices Jones & Soderberg read and referred to
Finance Committee.
From City Treasurer, read & referred to Street Committee &
returned approved.
From Harbor Master, read & referred to Com on Harbor & Wharves.
Committee Reports Received.
From Street Committee recommending that the alley
between Columbia and Madison Streets west of Front
Street be opened and the said Alley from Columbia
to Union Streets be put in good repair. Adopted.
From same committee returning petition of F Wilhelm &
others for grading Cherry Street from Fourth Street to
13th Street reporting that "as the petitioners have
omitted to ask for sidewalks along the street the Com.
recommends that the petition be returned to the parties
interested in said improvement. Approved.
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