Apr 6 1888
Ordered that the plat of the Charles Addition to the
City of Seattle be and the same is hereby approved.
Ordered that the plat of Lewis and Gilman Addition to
the City of Seattle be and the same is hereby approved.
Ordered that the plat of C B Bagley's Orient Addition to the
City of Seattle be and the same is hereby approved.
On motion of Councilman Niesz the city surveyor
is instructed to get the names of the owners of the property
along the proposed Avenue along the Lakes.
The city surveyor submits plans and specification for
Bell Street improvement from Fifth Street the Seventh Street
Also plans and specifications for Depot Street Improve-
ment from the Bay to Fir Street; also
plans ans specifications for Cherry Street improve-
ment from Fifth Street to Thirteenth Street and
on motion the same are all approved and ordered filed.
Ordered that the examination and equalization of
the assessment roll for Bell Street Improvement under
Ordinance No 889; and of Birch Street Improvement Ordi-
nance No 904; and of Fifth Street Improvement under
Ordinance No 905; be postponed until Wednesday April 11th
1888 and that when the Council Adjourns it adjourn
to meet on that date.
Ordered that Jacob Cowan be granted permission to
use powder in clearing lots for the period of two weeks.
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