May 11 1888
On motion the chairman of the Street Committee is directed
to examine and report upon the necessary work to be
done on Kinnear Park to secure title to same.
Ordered that plats of Jackson and Rainier Street Addition
to the City of Seattle and First Cable Road Addition to
the City of Seattle be referred to the City Surveyor.
Ordered that the matter of securing dedication deeds
for Lake Avenue be referred to His Honor the Mayor with
power to employ assistance if necessary.
Ordered that the Street committee be and they are hereby
directed to build two bridges on Mill Street.
Ordered that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to pur-
chase a supply of sewer pipe for the city, the Street
Commissioner to furnish the sizes and amount required.
Ordered that the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds
be directed to put up a shed on the lots ownedby the
city on Third Street near Pike Street for the stroage of
sewer pipe.
Ordered that the chairman of the Street Committee be
requested to urge the contractor on Mill Street to com-
plete his contract as soon as possible.
Ordered that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids
for driving piles and building retaining wals on Mill St
in accordance with the plans and specifications to be
Ordered that the Street Commissioner be directed to remove
obstructions from the alley in Block 106 A T Denny's Addn
also from Alley in Block on Main St betweeen 6th & 7th Streets.
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