Aug 3 1888
there being a tie vote the Mayor casts his ballot
for Isaac Parker whereupon the said Isaac Parker
is duly elected City Treasurer of the City of
Petitions etc.
Petition of Jesse F Cochran & others for opening Light
Street from Bluff Street to Bradley Street read and
referred to the Street Committee.
Petition of J D Lowman and others for a change of
grade on [Fifth Street]] corner of Marion Street read and
referred to Street committee.
Petition of S N Sorensen for a sewer in Spring Street
an a sidewalk on said street from Second
Street to Third Street read and referred to the Committee
on Sewers and Drainage.
Petition of Winsor and Co to have Front Street between
Pike Street and Union Street read and the Chief of
Police directed to notify property owners to clean
up their street fronts.
Petition of Puget Sound Improvement Company & others
to have property owners on line of Pike Street sewer
compelled to connect their houses with the sewer in
order that the street may be planked as heretofore
ordered. Referred to Street Committee.
Petition of G Beninghansen for perission to put a
small building on west side of Commercial Street next
to Harrington & Smith's store referred to Com on Fire & Water.
Petition of J H Bridge for opening the alley in Block
31 of Maynard's plat from Mill to Washington Streets
referred to Street Committee.
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